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  1. #1
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    Babylon Bee blasted for Chick-Fil-A skewering

    For those unfamiliar, Babylon Bee is a satire news site dedicated to illustrating the absurd by being absurd. Libtards and niggers are losing their collective shit over a bit published on 19 June (or Joom-teemf as it's known to niggers).

    Chick-Fil-A has been sliding into the abyss for a few years now since the old man died in 2014 and his cuck son took over. This asshole is ruining everything his father worked so hard for and destroying a good name and product.

    Most recently, he has been seen on his knees in front of a nigger (that symbolizes more than most people think of as far as I'm concerned) shining that nigger (c)rapper's shoes. He claimed God told him to do it. WTF???

    He has also had a history of cowing to the radical left and LGBTQRSTUV crowd by stopping support for Christian organizations that the left deems a hate group. Of course, this means every Christian organization. They now support loony leftist schemes like Covenant House - formed by a pedophile priest, in addition to numerous others.

    Nothing pisses off libtards like the truth told in humor. It is something that leftists liars simply cannot do because it has no sting of truth - that's why comedy shows, especially late night talk shows, suck hard enough nowadays to pull a golf ball thru a garden hose. While that may be a great resume bullet for a wife applicant, I don't want to see Jimmy Kimmel's lying fat ass on my TV for an hour doing it!

    From the article:

    ...Chick-fil-A will be providing racial justice training for all its employees. Sunday employees will all be required to wear traditional African Kente cloths as they serve food in the dining room. They will also offer to shine customer's sneakers for free as they eat. Most notably, there will also be a change to the traditional polite phrase uttered by every Chick-fil-A employee after their sacrificial acts of lovingkindness. When addressing white people, workers will still say "my pleasure!" When addressing people of color, workers will now say "my privilege!" while kneeling respectfully.

    Further changes will be seen during the rest of the week as well. Dining rooms will be rearranged to provide a separate place of honor for minorities to sit. They will also be provided with separate bathrooms and drinking fountains....

    "Chick-fil-A will always be a kind and welcoming place for the blacks, the Chinamen, and those people who wear that red dot on their foreheads," Cathy said. "Just please don't steal the sauces and we'll be cool. Or if you want to steal the sauces, that's ok too. We honor you."
    You gotta love B/B. Their shit is hilarious.

  2. #2
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    Love the Bee.
    Wasn't Chikfil-a in trouble with the libs a couple years ago for donating to some Christian organization that opposed homosexual "marriage?"

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheboon DeLuxe View Post

    Love the Bee.
    Wasn't Chikfil-a in trouble with the libs a couple years ago for donating to some Christian organization that opposed homosexual "marriage?"

    ^^Yes, and how quickly they did acquiesce when the first rainbow flag was hoisted. They immediately duck taped their junk behind their assess with apologies to all the sand filled manginas that might have been offended and stopped the donations. They then took the money and started sending it elsewhere. They did structure it with plausible deniability by whole group cutoffs to avoid the appearance of singling out these groups to try not to run off their base, but the damage is done especially by donations to groups that have an "all inclusive" attitude. In addition to the appeasements to the gay mafia shakedown artist, they are donating gibs to depressed areas (read nigglets and mammies) to ensure their population can survive the harsh conditions and starvation they face in whitey land.

    Christianity as a whole is required to oppose "homosexual marriage" since marriage according to their own scriptures is defined by God as between a man and a woman. Any so called Christian group that doesn't oppose it ignores their own Bible from cover to cover. They also conveniently forget that "If a man does not work, neither shall he eat."

    This clown is a liar and a hypocrite to call himself a Christian and then donate to causes that fly directly in the face of his own alleged faith.

    He is turning his father's legacy into a fuxated libtard and nigger loving shithole. I'm sure old man Cathy is spinning in his grave. Hopefully he stops with his ass pointing back down so maybe his son won't try to fuck him anymore.

    I can't see myself eating there anymore. I'll miss the food but I vote with my dollars.

  4. #4
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    Much like Ben and Jerry's I will miss it but not that much. I speak with my dollars as well. Sure one man's money may not mean much but if enough of us with principle avoid it their bottom line will hurt. Who do they think eats there? Niggers? Nope. They eat where they can get a 3 piece for 3 bucks.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  5. #5
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    Great point, Tweak.

    I too was disgusted at the nigger-coddling by CFA*. I get it, niggers do lubbs deys' chiggums, and if this was a business decision that's my world, but it will backfire. I'm sure most of CFA's clients are Humans who are sick of niggers.

    *[Full disclosure: I've never "gotten it". Ate there once down in south Texas and was like, meh...]

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    Sure one man's money may not mean much but if enough of us with principle avoid it their bottom line will hurt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Great point, Tweak. I too was disgusted at the nigger-coddling by CFA*. I get it, niggers do lubbs deys' chiggums, and if this was a business decision that's my world, but it will backfire. I'm sure most of CFA's clients are Humans who are sick of niggers. *[Full disclosure: I've never "gotten it". Ate there once down in south Texas and was like, meh...]
    One need only look as far as the recent JC Penny's debacle for business advice. JCP committed market suicide when they threw their own customer base out the window. A huge share of their market was white middle aged middle to upper middle class married women. Guess what, most of those women were conservatives in dress and social/moral issues. JCP made the foolish miscalculation of hiring Ellen DeGeneres as the face of the company for all the wrong reasons. It went over like a fart in church. Suddenly a bunch of women just decided to shop elsewhere by the tens of thousands. The company is now going bankrupt after firing their CEO and Ellen - too little, too late. Whether you agree with them or not on the social or moral aspect of the matter, the fact is that it is the height of stupidity to piss off all of your own customers. JCP's learned it, and CFA is about to learn it too.

    Tinkering with a multi-million dollar business and the lives of it's employees for the purpose of social engineering experiments is a fool's game and never works. It doesn't work for the military either.

    If I started an ethnic restaurant that went sky high in the market, why the hell would I proceed to piss off the customers that ate there by mocking the country that I borrowed the style from?

    They are all going to get theirs soon and it's not just JCP and CFA. There is only so much bullshit people will take before they take their business elsewhere no matter how good the food, clothing or anything else is.

    We have a saying in the south - You'd best dance with the one that brung yah!

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