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  1. #1
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    Riot control: The jokes on you, Seattle!

    This shit is about to get even funnier:

    Seattle bans police use of tear gas, pepper spray & chokeholds as anarchist crowd reigns over portion of the city.

    The Seattle City Council has voted to make it illegal for police to deploy tear gas, pepper spray and chokeholds on peaceful demonstrators,
    as part of the city is being overrun by activists declaring it an “autonomous zone.”
    All nine members of the council voted to strip the city police of the authority to use a number of controversial crowd control means on Monday.

    In a series of separate votes, the council banned the city from “owning, purchasing, renting, storing or using Crowd Control Weapons (CCWs),”
    which are defined as “kinetic impact projectiles, chemical irritants, acoustic weapons, water cannons” and other devices that can cause “pain or discomfort” when used to disperse a crowd.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post

    This shit is about to get even funnier:

    Seattle bans police use of tear gas, pepper spray & chokeholds as anarchist crowd reigns over portion of the city.

    The Seattle City Council has voted to make it illegal for police to deploy tear gas, pepper spray and chokeholds on peaceful demonstrators,
    as part of the city is being overrun by activists declaring it an “autonomous zone.”
    All nine members of the council voted to strip the city police of the authority to use a number of controversial crowd control means on Monday.

    In a series of separate votes, the council banned the city from “owning, purchasing, renting, storing or using Crowd Control Weapons (CCWs),”
    which are defined as “kinetic impact projectiles, chemical irritants, acoustic weapons, water cannons” and other devices that can cause “pain or discomfort” when used to disperse a crowd.
    I've been saying for decades that "Libtardism" is a mental disorder!! Need more proof?! What could go wrong with this? LOL!!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    I've been saying for decades that "Libtardism" is a mental disorder!! Need more proof?! What could go wrong with this? LOL!!!
    Insanity is when a person cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy, truth or fiction, right or wrong, etc.
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results each time.
    Insanity is being shown proof positive that something is a certain way even when it should be already a self evident truth, only to choose to react as if it were not so.

    Exempli gratia: When someone is shown that his mommy's house is completely engulfed in flames but that person believes he can piss on it to extinguish the conflagration in order to save his prized hentai collection, video games and weed from his basement bedroom, THAT PERSON IS INSANE! He is also one less BLM supporting soyboi cuck Antifa faggot left to break widows while demanding vegan food from inside the CHAZ.

    This derangement does accomplish one good thing for all of us: It shows not just us, but the world that these people are so out of touch with reality that they should not be in charge of any sharp instruments, blunt instruments, matches, caustic substances, heavy machinery operation, personal financial decisions or voting - MUCH LESS IN CHARGE OF ANY GOVERNING BODY OVER ANY ONE PERSON, PLACE OR THING.

    In short take all their nouns away except for a pillow, cot, rubber room, plastic spoon and finger food until they get better.

  4. #4
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    Yep, Seattle is lost. The commie nigger-coddling mob has won.

    But, it gets worse than that...

    I have a golf buddy who's a homicide detective in the largest LEA in the state (greater Seattle area). We've been talking a lot lately as we're both going through the same issues with our dads and the lock-down. He's been a cop for over 20 years. He knows dozens of officers from numerous agencies. The other day he told me that not only has he applied for jobs in other states, he's thinking about getting out of law enforcement entirely. He told me that every cop he knows is looking at their options in one form or another.

    I think we're going to have a mass exodus of LEO's from many of these liberal-affected agencies. Sad thing is, not only is my friend is good at his job (he's in the local press from time to time), he loves it! We can't afford to be losing people like that and maintain a civil society.

    Remember -- this is all the result of a filthy nigger felon high on meth resisting arrest and getting what it deserved.

  5. #5
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    Trump could speak nicely to the gas, water, electric, telecoms, fibre and sewage companies and get all the services cut off to the area.

    Then tell the residents of CHAZ that they now need to strike independent negotiations with the utility companies and that the area can be supplied, just not using existing infrastructure.

    See how long the little shitweasels last without internet, heat, light, sanitation and welfare.

    Its like watching children playing at being growns ups.

  6. #6
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    I think sanitation went out the window with these fleabags a hell of a long time before CHAZ.

    Just send in the SEALS to take out the HNIC and it's henchmen. Let the Marines & Rangers mop that shit up. Blow them all back to hell where they came from.

    Once the dust and smoke has settled, round up all the elected officials and put them on trial for malfeasance, dereliction, and treason. Publicly execute the ones convicted of treason in time of war since GWOT is still ongoing and this is the harshest punishment allowed under the Constitution. Publicly execute them by hanging and leave their bodies to rot on public display in the center of the reclaimed CHAZ. Live stream the buzzards picking at their flesh next to the corpses of those antifa faggots and BLM murdering rapist relieved of their pulses during the bloody siege ending.

    Before anyone gets their panties in a wad here, I'm not advocating violence towards niggers or anyone else. I'm advocating lawful liberation of American souls on American soil. It's a simple matter of how to go about it and this is the only way to make it happen. It is the longstanding policy of the Federal Government to never negotiate with terrorist. This is in total compliance and keeping with our own existing laws and policies.

  7. #7
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    99% of the niggers and nigger lovers do not live there. They are just hanging out because their welfare checks are electronically deposited. I really do not care about that area. What I am waiting for is the shit to hit the fan when the police are neutered. Then people are going to be taking things into their own hands when the "peace officers" are beaten by "peaceful protesters" just being all peaceful while robbing and burning the dollar tree. It is right around the corner and I can assure you that as the election gets closer it will get worse. Apply for you permits and stock up while you can.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  8. #8
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    I was reading that the soap-dodgers had their food stolen by the local homeless (niggers?).

    They put out a request for vegan meals, Tofu and Vegetables. Thats fighting food right there.

    There were also images of some Tofu based lifeform who had dug up a garden and planted vegetables. It was sat there waiting for said greenery to spring into full fruit, with an expectant look on it's face. Laugh! I almost shat.

    The time for planting is in early spring.

    When that bountiful harvest fails to materialise, do you think they will blame Trump?

    As I said. Its like watching children playing at being grown ups.

  9. #9
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    Some of the "gardens" I saw were nothing more than flattened cardboard boxes with dirt thrown on top. It's a damn wonder these idiots can figure out how to open a bottle of water to drink before they throw it on the graffiti covered pavement.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's balls View Post
    I was reading that the soap-dodgers had their food stolen by the local homeless (niggers?).

    They put out a request for vegan meals, Tofu and Vegetables. Thats fighting food right there.

    There were also images of some Tofu based lifeform who had dug up a garden and planted vegetables. It was sat there waiting for said greenery to spring into full fruit, with an expectant look on it's face. Laugh! I almost shat.

    The time for planting is in early spring.

    When that bountiful harvest fails to materialise, do you think they will blame Trump?

    As I said. Its like watching children playing at being grown ups.
    I think most of that is satire but it is not far off. I could see them blaming Trump for somehow poisoning their crop using invisible drones.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

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