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  1. #1
    Bama born southern bred
    Chimpout Guest

    Black folk will believe anything .

    Black folk are absolutely the stupid people I have ever seen . They believe anything . Bottom line when you play stupid games , you win stupid prizes . The blacks in Atlanta fall into this category . This is why the Nigger word will
    Never die

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    We just call them niggers here, because that's what they are. Niggers.
    And every one of them is dumb as fuck.
    A feral nigger perp could be shooting at the cops with a damn minigun and when it inevitably gets batwinged, every shit-stupid nigger will screech and ook "rayciss".

    Hell, niggers set themselves on fire to get attention on facebook. I'll bet they ook "rayciss" after they get a lot blacker and end up at the Emergency Vet. Fire beez rayciss YT juju an sheeit. Ah wuz tricked! Muh dik!
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    black folk? I don't comprehend??
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    They are niggers.
    Bl*ck is like a Bombay Cat or a Black Lab, beautiful companions with a jet black coat.
    Niggers are shit brown, because they are Satanspawn from hell sent to destroy all civility and everything humans have worked so hard for. I suppose nature wanted to show some mercy and make them shit brown and a smell to match so we know how dangerous they are.
    Some people aren’t getting the memo, however...

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Bless their heart! Probably just discovered this wonderful site, go gentle on him/her.

    All that's needed is a gentle reminder that we call them what they are - niggers!

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    They are niggers.
    Bl*ck is like a Bombay Cat or a Black Lab, beautiful companions with a jet black coat.
    Niggers are shit brown, because they are Satanspawn from hell sent to destroy all civility and everything humans have worked so hard for. I suppose nature wanted to show some mercy and make them shit brown and a smell to match so we know how dangerous they are.
    Some people aren’t getting the memo, however...
    I've seen a few niggers who are black. I mean BLACK. The full blood, 50 IQ, original nigger kind of niggers.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Member
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    Niggers are so stupid, I bet they'd stick their heads in fire if you told them they could see Hell.

  8. #8
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    I've seen a few niggers who are black. I mean BLACK. The full blood, 50 IQ, original nigger kind of niggers.
    There do be some mighty black niggers.

    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  9. #9
    Chimpout Member
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    In Latin, the word "black" is "niger," so it makes sense for modern humans to refer to black "people" as niggers.

    "Nigger" being the current American pronunciation of "niger," of course.

    I think the reason most niggers think of themselves as niggers, despite whatever species-mixing may have gone on, is because on some level, they know that they are so far behind the power curve that no amount of genetic exchange will ever allow a nigger to function as a human would.

    And as much as I hate to say it, I think humans that have negative value to society and culture should be isolated. Preferably in jails and prisons. It's not exactly a secret that the average IQ in the USA is 95. Rules and laws should apply to ALL humans equally, and those who choose to violate them should be punished accordingly.

    The recent protests have clearly shown a lot of us that many humans are not marching to the same beat as us.

  10. #10
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Regardless of what you wish to call them it is true. Niggers will believe in anything. They buy into any whacked out conspiracy theory. Hell they believe they built the pryamids when 500 years ago a nigger had never even seen a boat.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

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