
Disclaimer: The following jokes in no way advocate violence toward niggers! They are only jokes and should be taken only as such:

Q: What's the hardest thing about running over a nigglet?
A: My dick.

Q: What has 8 big black hairy legs and makes women scream?
A: Gang rape...

Q: What do you throw a drowning rockfish?
A: His fambly and a cinder block.

Q: How many niggers does it take to roof a house?
A: It depends on how thin they were sliced at the factory.

Q: What does the guy that has killed more Indians than the US Cavalry always say?
A: Gimme all duh money in dat register, muhfuggah!

Q: How many niggers does it take to grease a car suspension?
A: Depends on how fast you are driving when they wander out in front of you.

Q: What never makes it past five years without breaking?
A: A nigger hymen.

Q: What's black and white and black and white and black and white?
A: A nigger and a pelican fighting over a carp.

Q: How do you fit 100 Nigerians into a 48 quart cooler without cremating them?
A: Tell them it's a boat sailing to France.

If the camera adds ten pounds, do African nigglets really exist?

My sixth grade English teacher Mrs. Secreeshuh one day asked the class what could come at the end of a sentence. I stuck my hand up and said "A freed nigger." She screeched at me and told me I was wrong and that maybe I should reconsider my answer. I thought about it but apparently "The warden makes sure the nigger don't still have a pulse" wasn't the right one either. I spent a lot of time in detention that year.

Sorry guys, I need to wrap this up now. I'm at the mall right now and the biggest fucking nigger I've ever seen is apparently looking over my shoulder reading as I ty