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  1. #1
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Caught in the middle of a police - nigger stand off

    I was a bit hesitant to post this, but what the Hell. A couple days ago i pull up at my house. I sit in my car for 2-3 minutes listening to something on the radio. All of a sudden 3-4 police cruisers come flying up from both directions and stop right by my car. One in back, the rest across the street and beside me blocking me in. The cops instantly jump out carrying rifles (AR15s i suppose? I dont know what they use). I am thinking ok, who the Hell did i piss off? They pass me up without paying me any attention. 3-4 cops instantly circle the house directly across from me while 2 are standing right beside my car with guns drawn (not pointed at me) I sat there in my car with my hands up, i really dont even think the cops noticed me or cared that i was there. No way was i making any moves or getting out. They are screaming come out of the house with your hands up over and over. After a few minutes some old worn out burner comes out and starts talking to them. They keep yelling for someone else to come out. Long story short, after about 10 minutes finally all the niggers come out and all half dressed. Probably 5-6 niggers, burners, niglets. Middle of the day and they look like they all just woke up. As fast as all of this went down it ended. They lower their guns, talk for 5-10 minutes and then leave as if nothing was up. Which probably is a good thing, had gunfire broke out i would have been right in the middle of it all.
    Only thing i can figure out is that they were looking for a certain nigger and it wasn't there. One house full of niggers in my general neighborhood and what happens? Cops are constantly there. Yeah the place has its problems, but niggers just make it 10 times worse.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    My God I feel for you Buck. I've NEVER seen a nigger on my street ! NEVER ! Not visiting, not in a van delivering, never. To know you have the volatility of niggers in the neighborhood must be quite stressful. My last street we had one very elderly nigger couple who I only saw 10 times in 5 years anyway.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  3. #3
    Senior Corrections Officer
    Sheboon DeLuxe's Avatar
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    It's a drag that you have to live in a niggerhood, Buck. Too bad you didn't get a chance for video of some official goodifications.

  4. #4
    Senior Trustee
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    That's horrible, both the scare from the cops and having a house packed with niggers and burners across from you. I really feel for you, never knowing when a chimpout or gun battles will occur.

  5. #5
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheboon DeLuxe View Post
    It's a drag that you have to live in a niggerhood, Buck. Too bad you didn't get a chance for video of some official goodifications.
    Actually its not a niggerhood. Its just one house directly across the street that for as long as i can remember has always been rented out to one nigger family after the next. They move in, stay 6 months to a year and then move out. The owners spend 6 months cleaning up the mess and destruction and turn around and rent it to another group of niggers and then the cycle repeats itself.
    This isn't a great neighborhood or city to say the least, but then again the trouble the niggers cause far outweighs anything the so called white rednecks cause.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  6. #6
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck Simian View Post
    Actually its not a niggerhood. Its just one house directly across the street that for as long as i can remember has always been rented out to one nigger family after the next. They move in, stay 6 months to a year and then move out. The owners spend 6 months cleaning up the mess and destruction and turn around and rent it to another group of niggers and then the cycle repeats itself.
    This isn't a great neighborhood or city to say the least, but then again the trouble the niggers cause far outweighs anything the so called white rednecks cause.
    Sounds like the owners are riding the Section 8 merry-go-round. It can happen in any neighborhood, anywhere. It's just too bad that you have to put up with it.

  7. #7
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheboon DeLuxe View Post
    Sounds like the owners are riding the Section 8 merry-go-round. It can happen in any neighborhood, anywhere. It's just too bad that you have to put up with it.
    What is really too bad is this Sec8 nigger scam. Breeder sow with a bunch of little niglets gets the place. They immediately move in the baby daddy, the big grown-up sprogs, the sistas, the mammies, etc and they all squat there, do nothing and sponge off your taxes.

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