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  1. #1
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    Niggers demand Joe Biden pick Stacey Abrams as VP if he wants the dindu vote

    Now that would truly be dreadful as all living hell.
    If Biden doesn’t pick Stacey Abrams, he can kiss Black folks goodbye

    Contrary to some beliefs, Biden might not be ready for a one-on-one against Donald Trump. He’s an old white man who opposes cannabis legalization and formerly opposed busing. That’s not going to motivate young Black voters to come to his side. He still has not apologized for the crime bill, meanwhile, Trump, obviously understanding the need to appeal to voters of color, ran criminal justice reform commercials during the Superbowl.

    Joe Biden said he would pick a woman VP. Stacey Abrams should be that woman.

    ‘Of course I want it.’ Stacey Abrams says she would be an excellent running mate for Joe Biden

    Potential vice presidential picks typically act coy when asked about their political ambitions, demurely expressing their honor at even being considered while saying they remain focused on their day job. Not Stacey Abrams.

    “I would be an excellent running mate,” the Georgia Democrat told Elle magazine, before explaining why her biography and ability to attract a broad band of voters make her an ideal partner for Joe Biden. “If I am selected, I am prepared and excited to serve.”

    Earlier this year, Abrams said it would be wrong to engage in a pretense about her goals.

    “It would be doing a disservice to every woman of color, every woman of ambition, every child who wants to think beyond their known space for me to say no or to pretend, ‘Oh, no, I don’t want it,’” she said when asked about being a vice presidential candidate on ABC’s “The View” in February. “Of course I want it. Of course I want to serve America. Of course I want to be a patriot and do this work.”

    If Biden doesn’t pick Stacey Abrams, he can kiss Black folks goodbye
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    Let's see here...

    This blathering sheboon Stacey Abrams:

    -Is Nearly a quarter million in debt that it won't pay back.
    -Wants to spend tax dollars to destroy Stone Mountain.
    -Wants to gut and eventually repeal the Second Amendment.
    -Believes that AR-15's are WMD's in the same classification as Chemical, Nuclear and Biological weapons.
    -Is a former pulp/smut fiction writer.
    -Is an unrepentant socialist who wants all whites pay college tuition for illegals and pay more than anyone else just because they are white.
    -Believes that jobs in agriculture are not worth working in and are for stupid people. If you want a good job you should work in the fraudulent renewable energy sector.

    You know, I never could stand this waste of oxygen but I think Creepy Uncle Joe should pick her as his running ape. It will make for a hilarious flameout!

  3. #3
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    I'm all for it!

    Smoochin' Joe/Aunt Jemima 2020!

    TRUMP would have a field day!

  4. #4
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    America is not ready for an ugly, gap-toothed negress as a vice president, a heartbeat away from being Obama 2. There's still a lot more reasonable humans who can't stomach that vile sow. I hope we never allow another nigger in the White House.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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