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  1. #1
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    NYC Head Oildriller de Blasio might temporarily be burying dead coronavirus niggers in local parks

    NYC may temporarily bury coronavirus victims in parks: lawmaker

    “Soon we’ll start ‘temporary interment’,” said Councilman Mark Levine (D-Manhattan) wrote in a series of tweets. “This likely will be done by using a NYC park for burials (yes you read that right). Trenches will be dug for 10 caskets in a line.”
    “It will be done in a dignified, orderly–and temporary–manner. But it will be tough for NYers to take,” Levine wrote, adding in another tweet, “The goal is to avoid scenes like those in Italy, where the military was forced to collect bodies from churches and even off the streets.”
    He later clarified his tweets, saying this “is a contingency NYC is preparing for BUT if the death rate drops enough it will not be necessary.”
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    I'm raising the bullshit flag on this one.

    Nig York has had bums and junkies dying in the streets for as long as they have been there. Nothing has changed. Pauper's graveyards have always existed and every county in the nation and most cities, especially major ones have them. Sometimes they are cremated. No way no how are they ever temporarily buried - much less in a city park ANYWHERE!!! This is nothing but mass conditioning thru fear.

    There is simply no end to the lengths that these assholes will go to make this situation seem worse than it is and therefore, obviously, TRUMPS FAULT.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I'm raising the bullshit flag on this one.
    There is simply no end to the lengths that these assholes will go to make this situation seem worse than it is and therefore, obviously, TRUMPS FAULT.
    This is his original the NYC Councilman's original tweet from his verified account.

    Councilman announces NYC will start temporarily burying virus victims in local parks. Is it true?

    A New York City Councilman is under fire for what many saw as an “irresponsible” tweet claiming coronavirus victims would be buried in local parks.

    Councilman Mark Levine was slammed for spreading fear with a “typo” in a tweet stating that “temporary interment” will begin “soon” in New York as death tolls mount and overwhelm hospitals and morgues.

    “Soon we’ll start ‘temporary interment’. This likely will be done by using a NYC park for burials (yes you read that right). Trenches will be dug for 10 caskets in a line,” the Democrat tweeted Monday.
    But he is trying to walk it back somewhat.
    But Levine soon tweeted another message to clarify, saying it “is a contingency NYC is preparing for BUT if the death rate drops enough it will not be necessary.”
    Bill de Blasio:
    During a coronavirus press briefing at the Brooklyn Navy Yard on Monday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was asked about the burials.

    “We may well be dealing with temporary burials, so we can deal with each family later,” he said. We will have the capacity for temporary burials – that’s all I’m going to say.”

    Temporary dead nigger storage!
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  4. #4
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    If niggers were buried after dying from COVID-19, niggers would just dig up the corpses of their family members and muh dik the things.

    It's better to just incinerate the dead niggers, to prevent niggers from engaging in filthy, disgusting behavior.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whitey Ford View Post
    This is his original the NYC Councilman's original tweet from his verified account.
    To be clear, I wasn't raising the BS flag on anyone but that twatwaffle councilman. I read the article and it was so obvious what this assclown was up to I wanted to throttle the guy.

    I have spent every day for the past couple of weeks listening to Trumps daily press briefings since I've been working outside unable to go hardly anywhere - under penalty of law. Anyone with a modicum of common sense and critical thinking skills can tell what's going on here. This is nothing but a full fledged assault on our President, our financial security, our freedoms, our way of life, liberties and pursuits of happiness. This is a concerted effort to push the envelope in order to see just how far they can drive this country toward the brink before people actually are willing to take up arms. It's not the first time and with each push, people get more accustomed and tolerant to it.

    You can't throw a frog in hot water. It will simply jump out. If you put the same frog in cool water and put it over a flame, the frog will never realize it is being boiled to death.

    We are the frogs.

    Assholes like this guy are slowly turning up the heat. Some people think frog legs are a delicacy. I do not - especially if they are my legs.

  6. #6
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    Why not just freeze-dry the dead niggers?

    Stick 'em in liquid nitrogen until all the H2O is rendered from their useless carcasses -- should only take a minute or two. Then take the frozen niggers and store them in refrigerated containers until they can be discreetly passed through wood chippers. The byproduct couldn't be used as mulch or anything like that because it would kill the plants, but it might be useful for filling potholes.

    I would recommend this for live niggers as well but that might get me banned...
    Last edited by Midder Peenud Hayed; 04-07-2020 at 07:35 PM. Reason: Confused nitrogen and hydrogen...

  7. #7
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    Anyone have any moral issues with playing frisbee above the graves of thousands of dead niggers?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Why not just freeze-dry the dead niggers?

    Stick 'em in liquid nitrogen until all the H2O is rendered from their useless carcasses -- should only take a minute or two. Then take the frozen niggers and store them in refrigerated containers until they can be discreetly passed through wood chippers. The byproduct couldn't be used as mulch or anything like that because it would kill the plants, but it might be useful for filling potholes.
    Soylent Black.

    "Soylent Black is niggers!!"
    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Why not just freeze-dry the dead niggers?
    Stick 'em in liquid nitrogen until all the H2O is rendered from their useless carcasses -- should only take a minute or two. Then take the frozen niggers and store them in refrigerated containers until they can be discreetly passed through wood chippers. The byproduct couldn't be used as mulch or anything like that because it would kill the plants, but it might be useful for filling potholes.
    Not cost effective.
    1) Empty storage bottles start at 100 for a small one.
    2) The nitrogen would have to be shipped in bulk.
    3) Dead Nigger Frozen Storage would be cost prohibited as well. Cost per unit + KWHs to power them.
    4) Wood Chippers plus maintenance cost plus fuel.
    5) Last but not least - I've never seen a nigger fill a pothole. Why would being dead stop them? When they're not, mostly they just lean on the shovels and scratch their dikks while one of them holds up a sign that says "Slow Men at Work" This is of course a lie. While they are certainly slow, they are not men and do not work - but I digress.

    Better idea: Bring them all down to our swamps. The shellfish would have a field day. They will render the remains non toxic and will feed other seafood. The results would be an economic boom for the Gulf Coast seafood industry just in time for the end of the niggrona virus. What the bottom feeders don't take care of, the gators will. Wouldn't everyone like to own an affordable pair of gator skin boots?

    Take the meat from the crustaceans and the alligators and feed it to the niggers. This will put them in even worse health leaving them more likely to be another statistic in the next niggerdemic.

    The circle of pooh continues and we keep the profits! This will make "good" niggers actually good for something.

  10. #10
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    Just throw the dead nogs into the dump
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

  11. #11
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    Just toss the niggers in the dumpster, I won't tell, plus the niggers can't tell the difference either way.

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