Hi everyone, the situation in France is so dire that the police won't even bother enforcing quarantine rules in lawless suburbs populated by various kinds of hostile mudslimes and sons of Obongo:
“Because French police understand that they don’t have much chance of enforcing the draconian measures on freedom of movement with which everyone in France is expected to comply on those citizens living in the poverty-stricken [poverty, my ass] banlieues that outly the larger French cities.
As the emergency services union Synergie-Officiers pointed out on Twitter: “It is illusory to think that certain individuals in ‘sensitive neighborhoods’ comply with good citizenship in the state of the current legislation.”
The accompanying video shows two police vainly trying to disperse a growing gang of youths as the threat level creeps higher.
Another clip, filmed in a neighborhood “lost to the Republic,” shows a young man merrily jumping on a moving police car with the occupants attempting to drive off.”
Now I don't mind people living in very tiny apartments breaking the national quarantine and getting outside a few minutes per day to take a breath of fresh air, but these lawless beasts only go outside to commit muh/al-dik, harass useless popo and the few humans who dare venture or are trapped in these nigboors, steal and murder. And the worst is that our police are so cucked beyond redemption that nothing can be truly done.