Interracial marriages on the rise in China
Mixed-race marriages still uncommon enough in China to evoke curiosity, but increasing African ties are boosting numbers.

Interracial marriages between Chinese and Africans are on the rise as a direct result from China's increasing investment in, and trade with, Africa .

More than a million Chinese migrants now work and live on the African continent, while the number of Africans in China is thought to be around half that.
"Forty years ago it was all but impossible for a foreign man or woman to live in China, let alone marry a Chinese," Al Jazeera's Adrian Brown reported.

"But today, marriages like this are no longer exceptional... marrying a foreigner is no longer regarded as marrying down in the way it perhaps once was here," he added.
China's economic courtship of Africa began twenty years ago, and one of the consequences is a new generation of mixed race children.

"Nowadays there are more and more international marriages in China, even some of [my] friends also married foreigners," Qianshun explains.

"Chinese have become more accepting to intermarriage," he added.