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  1. #1
    Sandniggers are dog shit
    Chimpout Guest

    UK: Teacher fired and banned for life for his anti-Islam Facebook posts

    Britain’s Department of Education has banned primary school teacher Phillip Turner, 53, in Somerset, South West England, from his profession after he correctly called Islam “cancer of the world” in his personal Facebook posts and told sandniggers they should leave the UK if they don't like it there.

    Apparently Leftards are using George Orwell's 1984 as their instruction manual.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
    jenkemfactory's Avatar
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    Yes, they're absolutely retarded in the UK. What the hell happened to them?
    The English, not long ago, had control all over the world.
    Everything you say is taken in offense.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    well he wasn't quite correct was he? Niggers are the world's champion cancer and I would say Muslims are up there, but a Muslim is capable of being sanitized and have the Mohammedism deprogrammed. A nigger is a genetically inferior beast that is unable to process it's purpose in a human ruled world. It's only the sickness of Islam that cripples the Middle East. I have dealt with a lot of young Saudi's in my career, and many of them seem doubtful of their religious heritage. We can thank iphones and the internet for this. So I feel that Islam will eventually become irrelevant as global wealth increases. May take a while though...

  4. #4
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsRus View Post
    well he wasn't quite correct was he? Niggers are the world's champion cancer and I would say Muslims are up there, but a Muslim is capable of being sanitized and have the Mohammedism deprogrammed. A nigger is a genetically inferior beast that is unable to process it's purpose in a human ruled world. It's only the sickness of Islam that cripples the Middle East. I have dealt with a lot of young Saudi's in my career, and many of them seem doubtful of their religious heritage. We can thank iphones and the internet for this. So I feel that Islam will eventually become irrelevant as global wealth increases. May take a while though...
    Islam and its jihadi followers are 1500 years behind Christianity. Some are seeing the ugly truth of it but many see the rules it outlines as preferable to modern human law. I am not sure it will ever evolve seeing that niggers and sand people are the ones following it.

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