What ya gonna do when you call the cops on the niggers and the responding cops are niggers that side withe crimminiggers against you?
New Philly Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw is already making changes — starting with her fingernails

Danielle Outlaw- you can't make this shit up!

Danielle Outlaw, who took over Monday as Philadelphia’s new police commissioner, said the nail polish she wore this week had been among the last things on her mind on her first day on the job.

But while making the rounds and introducing herself to the troops, Outlaw said, people kept pointing out that her black nail polish technically violated the department’s directives on appearance.

Philly's new police commissioner will be the first black woman to lead the department. This is Danielle Outlaw.
So in one of her first official actions as top cop, Outlaw changed the rule to allow for more stylish nails. And during an interview Wednesday, one of her first since taking over, Outlaw — the first black woman to lead the 6,500-member department — said that although the action might have seemed narrow, it reflects the type of broader change she believes is needed in policing.
She said minority communities have deeply rooted mistrust of police because the profession was conceived as slave patrols — groups who sought to control the behavior and movements of slaves — and added that “in some places, [police departments] might further that institutionalized and systemic racism that many people have experienced.”
Slave Patrols=cops! Philly really shit the bed on this one.
