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  1. #1
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    Fat, ugly University of Virginia she boon complains that there are too many 'White People' in the 'multi-cultural center'

    “Frankly there is just too many white people in here, and this is a space for people of color.”
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    That C*nt needs deported to the shitter land

  3. #3
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    This is what happens when society says niggers are our equals. This is sickening. How about designating areas where niggers are never allowed?
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  4. #4
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    Spectrally speaking, in reality white is the mix of all colors. The simple first grade science lesson with the prism shows this to be the truth. Black is the absence of any color. Of course, niggers fail first grade but anyway...

    This sheboon can't even see the irrationality of it's own argument. Multi means many. White includes all colors. Nigger is black equal to no color. Cultural means having culture. Niggers have no culture.

    This multicultural center should, therefore, be for everyone but niggers.

    Even if this nigger believed that the words meant what it was taught that they meant, it still showed it's utter hypocrisy and irrational thought process. College expense and space should not be wasted on it or any other nigger - ever.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
    This is what happens when society says niggers are our equals. This is sickening. How about designating areas where niggers are never allowed?
    Why that would be segregation which is racisms! And we can't have those racisms, now can we?
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  6. #6
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    I personally have no issues with this and I strongly support, ney, advocate this in my country- and want to further it. Allow me to social justicese and leftist up my point- feel free to argue this to progressives, commies, anarchists and any other ding bat on the left that bleets " black is good, white is bad"

    "It is my honest belief that African people have been sorely wronged by members of the white race and its time that we, as white people open our hearts and ears and understand the plight of the average African ( you can add whatever you like here, add American, British, Australian, doesnt matter, just try not be snarky) has been systematically oppressed, demoralised, humiliated and put down by my, the White people.

    I completely believe that Africans deserve to florush within their own institutions, their own neighbourhoods, their own churches, stores, resturants, hobbies and clubs without the fear of the evil white spectre looking down and exploting them. I therefore think there should be an african only ethno state ( many exist in apefrica.... dont say this) and that for the general wellbeing of the nobel and powerful african psyche, should totally seperate from us white people until we pay hand over fist for the African inventions we have apropriated, and when we have paid for our sin for slavery and using African inventions, only then should we be allowed to live among African people again and enjoy their rich culture, that we stole from mostly"

    Add in whatever breed of ape you like, its still an advocation for segregation and on their terms. Cant call us out if we bang their drum- we both want the same outcome. A society without niggesr and for them to go away for good, if that means stroking their ego, so be it. Ends jusity the means.

  7. #7
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    Imagine if they made a whites only center. They'd block the entrance with a protest and when they were dispersed they'd tear the whole campus apart. I think someone should start a nigger insurance company. Purchase just in case niggers destroy your shit.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HonkyDevil View Post
    I think someone should start a nigger insurance company. Purchase just in case niggers destroy your shit.
    It's mandatory along with hurricane and flood insurance for businesses in NOLA already ever since Katrina.

  9. #9
    Chimpout Member
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    Why would any sane white person willingly go to a place known to be infested with niggers? The smell alone should keep them away!

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