Massachusetts Man Kills Friend With Crossbow While Trying To Save Him From Dog Attack

I'm guessing whoever shot the nigger was also a nigger since they generally tend to roost in the same area. But, since when do niggers own crossbows?
A man accidentally killed his neighbour with a crossbow while trying to save him from being attacked by two dogs.

Joshua Jadusingh was trying to fight off two vicious pit bulls when his neighbour caught sight of the ordeal.

However, in his efforts to help the 27-year-old, the unnamed ‘good Samaritan’ ended up unintentionally killing him with his crossbow.
In an effort to help, the neighbour grabbed his crossbow and entered Jadusingh’s apartment before shooting one of the pit bulls ‘in the scruff of the neck’, which didn’t kill it. However, the arrow ricocheted, piercing through a door that the victim was hiding behind.
Holy shit, pitbulls are arrow proof.