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    section 8 - I want my money back

    Today a friend asked me how I felt about her returning a deposit on a house she rents to some people who backed out of a contract. She told me they kept backing out saying they didn't want the place, then they did, then they didn't etc. So she told them they have to put down a deposit to hold the place for them because they have other people interested. I agreed and said absolutely. A vacant rental is lost money. You did the right thing and made them aware they would lose the deposit if they backed out. However this is where I started to become annoyed. Turns out this family was 5 people on section 8 and welfare. This is a nice upper middle class neighborhood. You don't live here if you are into 6 figures. You shouldn't get to live in a better neighborhood simply because you shat out some kids and said woe is me, I need money. The rental cost of $2800 for the house would be completely covered by the taxpayer AND they tried to get all utilities included with the rent. For a 4 bedroom house here W/S/G/E/T runs about $500 a month depending on the season and that is conservative usage. Section 8 will not cover that total cost beyond a certain point so these people wanted that price to be paid by her. Anything extra she would pay out of her pocket. SERIOUSLY? They wanted to live completely for free as I am sure they were on food stamps too. These types will leave the lights and heat on all day running up huge bills they don't have to pay themselves.

    At this point I still had not asked but assumed it was niggers. She told me she felt bad for them because they didn't have a lot of money. I told her well then they should be living in an apartment, not an upscale neighborhood. Life isn't fair and if you want to live there you should work for it. She then inserted the rest of the details about them. Being that they were "immigrants" from IRAQ... Now she is a liberal but not the kind of crazy most of them are. Pretty moderate and a very nice and generous person but not obnoxious like the far lefties are. I told her hell no. Do not give them their money back. They jerked you around for a few weeks and I guarantee you the reason they want out is they found a sucker to include the utilities. Do not beleive anything they tell you. Do not be a sucker. Let this be a learning experience for them as well as for you. You lost money because of them. You dodged a bullet. Trust me. I kept my views of sand niggers to myself this time. We stay friends because we both know we have very differing views when it comes to politics and we just never discuss it. She knows how I feel about niggers and dune coons and was reluctant to tell me they were sand niggers because she thought it would sway my opinion. I didn't however. I would have had the same reaction even if they were anyone else.

    The kicker here?

    They are still NOT citizens and came here on student visa. They are both recent college graduates who also got free tuition and free housing this whole time. They produced 3 anchor babies while in school who are eligible for SNAP/Welfare/HUD etc. I thought this can't be true. Only citizens can get section 8, right? (Buzzer).

    Section 8 vouchers
    will only be granted to American citizens or to those who have eligible immigrant status

    I know some homeless are that way because of drugs, mental disorder, crime etc but... We have homeless people here who are citizens and we don't have the money to help them. Yet we are giving money to immigrants to live free. Makes total sense... Since they are applying for citizenship I guess that counts... I don't have all the details but I am sure it is some bullshit loophole. They have been dragging their feet just like all "immigrants" do making the process take forever then if they get denied they cry foul when deported.

    So why did they back out after signing the intent to rent after all this? The wife "saw a ghost in the house" and was too scared to live there. She was too scared to even say anything... She was even too scared to keep looking for a new place... I told her to be ready for nigger lotto to possibly come up.
    Last edited by Bottle_of_Hate; 01-11-2020 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Rental, contract, deposit, iraq, ghost, section 8, anchor baby, snap, welfare, hud, homeless, ghost, student visa

  2. #2
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    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    Today a friend asked me how I felt about her returning a deposit on a house she rents to some people who backed out of a contract. She told me they kept backing out saying they didn't want the place, then they did, then they didn't etc. So she told them they have to put down a deposit to hold the place for them because they have other people interested. I agreed and said absolutely. A vacant rental is lost money. You did the right thing and made them aware they would lose the deposit if they backed out. However this is where I started to become annoyed. Turns out this family was 5 people on section 8 and welfare. This is a nice upper middle class neighborhood. You don't live here if you are into 6 figures. You shouldn't get to live in a better neighborhood simply because you shat out some kids and said woe is me, I need money. The rental cost of $2800 for the house would be completely covered by the taxpayer AND they tried to get all utilities included with the rent. For a 4 bedroom house here W/S/G/E/T runs about $500 a month depending on the season and that is conservative usage. Section 8 will not cover that total cost beyond a certain point so these people wanted that price to be paid by her. Anything extra she would pay out of her pocket. SERIOUSLY? They wanted to live completely for free as I am sure they were on food stamps too. These types will leave the lights and heat on all day running up huge bills they don't have to pay themselves.

    At this point I still had not asked but assumed it was niggers. She told me she felt bad for them because they didn't have a lot of money. I told her well then they should be living in an apartment, not an upscale neighborhood. Life isn't fair and if you want to live there you should work for it. She then inserted the rest of the details about them. Being that they were "immigrants" from IRAQ... Now she is a liberal but not the kind of crazy most of them are. Pretty moderate and a very nice and generous person but not obnoxious like the far lefties are. I told her hell no. Do not give them their money back. They jerked you around for a few weeks and I guarantee you the reason they want out is they found a sucker to include the utilities. Do not beleive anything they tell you. Do not be a sucker. Let this be a learning experience for them as well as for you. You lost money because of them. You dodged a bullet. Trust me. I kept my views of sand niggers to myself this time. We stay friends because we both know we have very differing views when it comes to politics and we just never discuss it. She knows how I feel about niggers and dune coons and was reluctant to tell me they were sand niggers because she thought it would sway my opinion. I didn't however. I would have had the same reaction even if they were anyone else.

    The kicker here?

    They are still NOT citizens and came here on student visa. They are both recent college graduates who also got free tuition and free housing this whole time. They produced 3 anchor babies while in school who are eligible for SNAP/Welfare/HUD etc. I thought this can't be true. Only citizens can get section 8, right? (Buzzer).

    I know some homeless are that way because of drugs, mental disorder, crime etc but... We have homeless people here who are citizens and we don't have the money to help them. Yet we are giving money to immigrants to live free. Makes total sense... Since they are applying for citizenship I guess that counts... I don't have all the details but I am sure it is some bullshit loophole. They have been dragging their feet just like all "immigrants" do making the process take forever then if they get denied they cry foul when deported.

    So why did they back out after signing the intent to rent after all this? The wife "saw a ghost in the house" and was too scared to live there. She was too scared to even say anything... She was even too scared to keep looking for a new place... I told her to be ready for nigger lotto to possibly come up.
    I guess it's the same all over.

    Not entirely sure what section 8 is or how it works but in my country we have commission housing for the very poor. It's a fairly good theory but that's just it. Good in theory.

    We, like anywhere, have a homeless population. With literal towers of commission housing and entire blocks in neighbourhoods committed to commission housing, you would think that would solve the homeless problem (literally never seen anything but white males being homeless/ sleeping rough on the streets).

    Nope. It's like these niggers from apefrica and dune coons waltz into my country and get given a commission house or apartment instantly, along with welfare. Most of them can't and refuse to speak English which begs the question as to how they even applied for commission housing and welfare.

    And 3 little anchor babies is nothing. No word of a lie, I was at the cinemas a fair few years back with some friends and even though it was late, I thought this rag head was some teacher taking her class out to the movies or something. I was standing behind her and the shitlets and the girl at the concession stand thought the same as I do ( there was around 25-30 kids).... nope, they were basically evenly split between her own kids and her sisters..... How can anyone compete with that large a number of changing demographic?

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJigger View Post
    How can anyone compete with that large a number of changing demographic?
    Sterilization of the inferior gene pool.

    It needs more chlorine.
    Do not call for black power. Call for human power.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigJigger View Post

    And 3 little anchor babies is nothing. No word of a lie, I was at the cinemas a fair few years back with some friends and even though it was late, I thought this rag head was some teacher taking her class out to the movies or something. I was standing behind her and the shitlets and the girl at the concession stand thought the same as I do ( there was around 25-30 kids).... nope, they were basically evenly split between her own kids and her sisters..... How can anyone compete with that large a number of changing demographic?

    Sent from my SM-J250G using Tapatalk
    The nigger sows here are no different. They're all shitting out massive litters. Remember the sheboon that drove into the lake and rockfished her niglets. She had shit out seven. Then there's some new footy nigger that's got about 8 siblings.

  6. #6
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    We scrimped and saved to buy our first rental house in arguably the shittiest part of the suburbs east of Portland (OR). It was a shitbox, but it was clean and everything worked. I think we payed $140,000 for it back in 2006.

    But the Realtor talked us into entering it in the section-8 program. Her argument was that the rent was never late (paid by the gubmint), and there were certain allowances for damage to the property. My paternal grandfather had made millions as a slum lord in SoCal -- I didn't want to go that far, but I kind of knew what his business model was. He did a lot of section-8...

    A few weeks went by, and the rental management company presented us with their recommended candidate -- a Human single woman who was a caregiver to her disabled mother. Sounds perfect, right?

    I met with them and they said all the right things. They moved in shortly thereafter.

    At that time in my life, on top of having 1 y/o twins in the house, my career unexpectedly took off, my wife went from being a part-time substitute to having her own classroom, and that rental house was not even close to being a priority.

    A few months after the tenants moved in, I ended up driving by the property to see how it looked. I was shocked! It didn't even look like the same little house. Worst of all, there was a truly ratty RV parked in the front yard, clearly hooked up to the power and water in the house. One of the front windows was covered in plywood, there were dozens of bags of garbage filling the carport, and there had clearly been no upkeep of the yard at all.

    I was beyond pissed -- at the tenants, and even more, the management company. I took pics and emailed them to the chick who was supposed to be "managing" the property. Granted, her 12.5% (or whatever it was) of a $1,000/month rental was not much, but you do your damn job! I ended up suing the management firm, who settled by buying the house. I 1031'd the proceeds and bought two other properties that had never been in the section-8 program. That was my lesson.

    There is a reason renters are on section-8. These are not productive responsible individuals. In many parts of the country, niggers are the majority of section-8 recipients. Something like 42% of all social welfare in this country goes to 13% of the population -- niggers. Meanwhile, Whites, 68% of the population, get about 13%. Those are Obama Admin. numbers, BTW...

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    A section 8 landlord walked into my dad's store years ago. He was literally shaking with rage. When he was able to gather himself together and speak, this is what he told us:

    Paraphrasing, but all correct.

    The fucking niggers painted everything black. EVERYTHING!! The walls, the floors, ceilings windows EVERYGHING inside the house!! And they left the bathtub filled with SHIT!!! The toilet backed up, so they shit in the bathtub. There must have been a dozen of them shitting in it for a MONTH!!!
    There was more to that, and many more similar tales from other slum lords. As a twenty year old full blown nigger hater, I'd play along and feign disgust. Inside I was laughing my ass off! Thinking to myself, serves you right you stupid greedy a-holes.
    Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    She has the right to say NO to section 8 or any government subsidized housing, including DSS (department of social services) or any private NON-Profit rent subsidized housing program.

    98% of the people on programs like that always trash out the house or apartment, and end up costing the landlord a lot of money to fix it.
    This is exactly why places that formerly accepted S8 no longer do. There's a townhouse apartment complex nearby me that accepted it until mid last year and they discontinued accepting it and shortly after that happened there were uhauls there everyday for a couple weeks of people fleeing because their broke government scrub asses wouldn't be able to afford it.
    They are NICE townhouses too. It's ridiculous I'm paying almost $1000 for my place but niggers and other broke fucks can live in a nice place for free.
    Anyways, I always heard stories about that place. Even though it's nice, people constantly trashed the inside during their stay. Possibly why they ended accepting S8.

    Anyways, most section 8 scrubs I've seen are niggers, and those section 8 niggers are jobless because not only does section 8 pay their bills, they are usually eligible for food stamps.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    I had a buddy back in NY that owned an apartment complex 1 and 2 bedroom apartments from 800sf 1 bedroom to 1200sf for a 2 bedroom and they were nice, all new appliance, nice tile floors and bathrooms. Well he decided to ONLY accept private NON-Profit organization subsidized housing vouchers and NO section 8 / HUD

    As you can guess those "private NON-Profit organization subsidized housing voucher" people trashed the places out ruined the new appliances and BIG holes in the walls.

    He told me NEVER again will he do that. Now he requires a credit report and you must have a score of 680 and above and be working and show a W2 or pay stubs, and also does criminal background checks on every applicant and also charges a 150 application fee.... NON refundable.

    It's the only way he could keep out the trash and niggers.
    After reading the horror stories on this thread, I'm just wondering if there is any insurance people can take out on their properties?

    I understand the premiums will be fairly high, but surely in the long term ends up at least a bit cheaper than having no insurance at all

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    I have said this for many, MANY years. ALL modern niggardry and assliftery in America finds it's beginnings in the welfare system. When I was a kid in the 70's, it was Vietnamese refugees/immigrants living alongside niggers in sec. 8. (at least the Vietnamese [and Phillipino military brides] that I knew worked, even if their women would blow it all on Sunday nights at the bingo hall) Later, Somalians, Lebanese, and illegal hoppers from south of the border. Now, it's jihad'ing asslifters. They get off the boat, they get a fucking house and a 7-11, as the old saw goes. We have a bad habit of allowing mass immigration from countries we just recently bombed into rubble. There's no 'punishment' for going toe-to-toe with America, when we take the survivors out of the rubble and prop them up here in America.

    This bullshit has to stop. Ever notice how the WHITE MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD is far and away the largest demographic among the homeless, regardless of how they got there? It may be peculiar to where I live, but I don't see a lot of worthless niggers that are homeless, they seem really comfy, and I have NEVER seen an asslifter or Asian who was homeless (I'm hesitant to include Asians here, but they have their shitbags, too).

    Welfare is what makes a society 'equal'. But shouldering the costs of that largesse always falls on the white man. The only thing that ever gets 're-distributed' is the finances, property, and intellectual capital of YT. Fuck that. Let those who will not work fucking starve. I'll help with the cleanup.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Let those who will not work fucking starve. I'll help with the cleanup.

    HELLZ YEAH! Hazmat/hazwaste certified cleanup crews get PAID!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Now he requires a credit report and you must have a score of 680 and above and be working and show a W2 or pay stubs, and also does criminal background checks on every applicant and also charges a 150 application fee.... NON refundable.
    This is what ALL places should be doing. One of my aunts owns rental property and basically does the same thing. Background/credit check, proof of employment, and also inspects potential tenants' current living situation, and speaks with the landlords. Homeless applicants must be currently staying in a shelter or with someone with a permanent address and working phone number. Auntie Orchid contacts the shelter(s) or whomever the applicant is staying with for references.

    If any applicant clears all the above, Auntie Orchid requires a security deposit, pet owners a monthly $100/month fee in addition to rent (however, NO pit bulls, snakes, skunks, or whatever other animals popular with niggers/camel jockeys are allowed). As for homeless folks, if they have a good reputation for decent behavior and contributing to the current place they are staying (paying board, working, attending school, 12-step meetings, volunteering, etc), she will usually cut them a break on the credit check (For example Auntie Orchid will let a 580 credit score slide, because how can homeless folks build credit?). She DOES NOT accept Section Ape or other "welfare" programs; however she does take vouchers from the Red Cross for security deposits only.

    Guess what? Not one nigger or camel jockey in sight (though one tenant is Mexican), all her properties well maintained, and she has yet to get a noise complaint/surrounding neighbors bitching or visits from the cops pertaining to her properties. One human has lived in one of Auntie Orchid's buildings for nearly 15 years and is her favorite tenant.
    Last edited by White Orchid; 01-12-2020 at 09:36 PM.
    Give America back to the human race and end nigger fuxation - TRUMP 2020

  13. #13
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    So why did they back out after signing the intent to rent after all this? The wife "saw a ghost in the house" and was too scared to live there.
    I believe that. I don't mean i believe in ghosts, i believe that this wacky sandnigger thought it saw a ghost. Niggers and muslims are extremely superstitious and believe in all of that hokey pokey nonsense. As far as renting a house it has gotten extremely hard for even working white Americans to find a decent rental. My sister who went through a divorce probably 1-2 years ago had a terrible time finding a rental in our neighborhood, which is quickly being overran by sandniggers. She was not looking to pay through any sort of section 8 or government assistance, she works and has the means to support herself. Yet every place was taken. It is almost as if they are being given first come first serve for housing in this city. This is all in a area where probably less than 10 years ago you could rent or even buy a house for less than a car payment, now everything has skyrocketed yet somehow these sandniggers who just stepped off the plane yesterday are able to rent and even buy houses here with no problems.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

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