The life cycle of a shopping mall almost always ends the same way, niggers ruin it. Mall owners and operators have tried in vain to keep the groids from driving away human customers, but invariably coonmunity activists, the courts, and the liberal media side with the niggers and their enablers.

The Walden Galleria was a nice mall outside of Buffalo, NY. Customers would drive great distances, including from Ontario, Canada, to shop there, but then the do-gooders stepped in after a sheboon was run over and goodified on the main drag by the mall some years ago, and it's been downhill ever since. The mall owners wouldn't allow the local public bus system to operate on the property, but after the sheboon was run over they were forced to allow buses. The rest is history.

Anything along a bus line in or close to a fuxated area has the potential of being destroyed by niggers.