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  1. #1
    Super Moderator
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    How could I possibly refuse this generous offer?

    While perambulating the hound a few weeks back, a nigger on a stolen hire bike cruised past us on the pavement.

    A few moments later I hear that grating sound of a nigger trying to get the attention of a human in the only fashion they know how... "Yo! yo! yo!". This immediately boils my piss and brings the hound into his alert state when he feels my hackles go up.

    Apparently the pavement ape was 'working' with some other niggers that had just been released from NU and was wondering if I would like some murder monkeys to come to my home, check out my security, pick up the dog and take him out for walkies. For a small fee of course.

    Now call me racist, but why would a well dressed human want feral criminiggers in his home, handling his dog and then most likely taking the poor thing to the local dog fighting ring to be torn to bits for the delight of coons?

    I was also informed that the niggers would all be fully insured in case anything happened. Which obviously means when they lose the dog, it gets stolen by another coon, or they goad it into attacking other niggers I will at least get the £10 back that I paid the niggers in the first place. Sounds like a great deal for a £3000 dog that is rarer than rocking horse shit. No thanks.

    I feel sorry for anyone who would be stupid enough to fall for this obvious scam. A porch monkey riding around the posh part of town looking for pedigree pooches to walk is only going to end in tears for the unwary or totally libtarded.

    Fortunately the conversation was cut short when my furry friend decided that backing out a particularly pungent 5 lb steamer was far more important than talking to a random nigger in the street.

    Looking on the bright side, we did meet Jimmy Page on our travels and he loves the hound.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator
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    He seemed fine. Just a quietly spoken old dude.

    He was out with one of his mates and dog.

  3. #3
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    If I hired a nigger to walk my dogs they would bite me for payback.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's balls View Post
    Are you the guy on the original Chimp Out who used the word 'pulchritudinous' correctly in a sentence?
    If you are, you are fuckin' awesome.

    I was steeped in classical English literature as a lad (something my amazing mother orchestrated!). God Bless, mang!
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
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    Morning Whitey,

    Sadly, no. I can't take the credit for that one.

    I was privately educated and taught the correct use of the Queen's English. Incorrect use of the Queen's English would result in a piece of chalk being aimed at the guilty party's head by a psychopathic English literature master.

    Kind regards


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