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  1. #1
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
    Chimpout Guest

    Post Drunk Irish girl accepts 2 groid migrants's offer of a ride. You know the rest.....

    Groid "migrants" Boakye Osei and Kelvin Opuk, aged 29 and 33, has been found guilty of rape.

    The "victim", who is now in her 20s, testified in front of the court that before the rape took place she had been out drinking at a local night club with a friend. As she and her friend attempted to stumble home the two "migrant" rape-apes asked if they needed a ride. Next, she said the two groids drove them back to an apartment and offered them drinks.

    Also during her testimony, the "victim" told the jury that she recalled lying on a bed, feeling something heavy on top of her. Shortly after, she said the apes switched places and the second ape muh-diked her.

  2. #2
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    We're assuming it's a white Irish girl. It may be a nigger "Irish". Or a Black Irish.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Ghanaian nationals
    How the hell are these feral niggers even finding their way to Ireland? Whatever, yeah - even when I was young and foolish I couldn't ever have gotten drunk enough to get into a car with niggers. The miracle is that she's alive and didn't end up strangled, chopped up and boiled.

  4. #4
    Senior Administrator
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    How the hell are these feral niggers even finding their way to Ireland? Whatever, yeah - even when I was young and foolish I couldn't ever have gotten drunk enough to get into a car with niggers. The miracle is that she's alive and didn't end up strangled, chopped up and boiled.
    I can answer this.

    a) Some feral niggers with the IQ of an empty bathtub hear YT has some extra money, and white women are willing sex toys.
    b) They gather up in places like the northern Libyan coast for the trek across the Med, or Greece. Or up through Spain. No one stops them.
    c) They make grueling treks, sometimes paying for the European version of a coyote, and make their way up through Spain, or across eastern Europe, the initial destination being France, Germany, or somewhere else inside the Schengen area. Along the way, still no one stops them.
    d) Once they get to a place like France, they beg, borrow, steal, rape, murder, and commit arson for fun, while waiting to hijack a ride on transportation heading across the channel by way of ferry or the Chunnel. Again, no one stops them.
    e) Once in the UK they scatter like roaches, and to get to Ireland, it's just a ferry trip, iirc.....I'm willing to bet Niggerhater or Odin could give expert testimony on this bit....

    And, voila! Magic Irish Niggers!
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

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