Quote Originally Posted by CreepyAssNigger View Post
To be fair, Brexit actually made sense when a good number of members of the European Union were failing miserably and the USA was forced to prop up the euro.

Now though... Well, I've been stuck in the USA for awhile now, and I don't really care anymore. You cucks can have your niggers.

If we have to deal with coalburners and oildrillers, and miscegenation is legal here, and you retards want to do the same thing in Europe. Go right the fuck ahead. Enjoy living in Hell, motherfuckers.

By the way, how is that one Prince doing? That rapist prince that used to hang out with Epstein all the time?
Easy sunshine. We only involve ourselves in fact and logic on this site. Your accusations have fallen short on both of those counts.

Just to keep it friendly, 17.4m British humans voted out of the EU and it's 'ever closer union' to prevent us turning into Sweden. I was one of those 17.4m humans. So please don't tar us all with the same brush.

The rest of Europe do not have the opportunity to get out of the EU because their socialist governments are too busy suckling at the EU teat to allow it. If you understand cultural Marxism, you will understand how the EU works. The good people of Europe are desperately unhappy with the EU, but EU rules prevent this from being reported in the MSM.

Prince Andrew has yet to be formally charged with anything. His accuser is most likely telling the truth, but under British law he has done nothing wrong. The age of consent in the UK is 16 years old.

Ergo: Prince Andrew is not a rapist. Seedy and creepy, yes. Rapist, no.

Lively debate and a difference of opinion are both welcome here. Unnecessary profanity and unfounded accusations against humans are not.

Please go and reacquaint yourself with the site rules.

Kind regards
