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    BASED GOP candidate challenger to Ilhan Omar banned from twitter for wanting to hang her for treason

    By all means, try her for treason, and once found guilty hanging is a good penalty.
    A Republican candidate running to challenge Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota had her Twitter account permanently suspended for repeated violations of Twitter rules, according to a Twitter spokesperson.

    Danielle Stella says she was banned for a tweet in which she spread a baseless claim about Omar and said if the claim is true, Omar should be tried for treason and hanged, according to a post to her Facebook account. Two Twitter accounts of Stella's have been suspended, her campaign confirmed to CNN.

    Stella, who is not the only Republican looking to unseat Omar, describes herself as a special education needs professional. She writes on her campaign website that "as a result of the lack of honorable representation for Minnesota's 5th congressional district, I believe it is my duty and privilege to stand up and speak for the forgotten American citizens in the District and throughout the state."
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
    SC Anemia
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    "as a result of the lack of honorable representation for Minnesota's 5th congressional district"
    No shit. Omar is a traitorous cunt who'd see us infidels all beheaded. Hard still to believe she's in our Congress.

  3. #3
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    Ilhan Omar only has a problem with Israel out of all the American allies because muslims hate Jews and the Jewish state (even though the Jewish state accepts Arabs and muslims - its about 10% muslim). I mean what were the American gov thinking when they gave this radical muslim hijab wearing mutilated genital nigger whore asylum? Not only that but the voters actually voted this bitch in. What exactly is progressive about her? Do progressives practice islam and wear hijabs? Fake progressive.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeShawn View Post
    What exactly is progressive about her? Do progressives practice islam and wear hijabs? Fake progressive.

    Quite the contrary. That is the very definition of progressive - to progressives.

    Good thing Noah Webster wasn't one. He knew words mean things. Antonyms mean opposite things. Liberals live in bizzaro world where everything is opposite.

    There is no progress with progressives. Liberals polish turds with their words and expect us all to eat shit sandwiches by rebranding them.

  5. #5
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    Daniella Stella is awesome!
    I agree with her sentiments.
    But! Obviously, she violated TOS by calling for someone to be harmed.
    This is the sort of stuff I try to avoid. No hint of violence. No matter how mild you think it is. I admit it is hard to resist the occasional outburst.
    Tongue holding is tough. If you must mouth off, do so with your wife, your dad, your pet elephant, or your invisible friend.

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    The left will always tempt you by calling for harm to be administered to president Trump. So, what's many people's response? They repeat the same threat, but change the names around.
    In a sense, they are teaching you and training or drilling you to put your foot in it.
    Many people want the "I'll punch him in the face" solution. Go the boring route.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenkemfactory View Post
    Daniella Stella is awesome!
    I agree with her sentiments.
    But! Obviously, she violated TOS by calling for someone to be harmed.
    She wasn't calling for her to be harmed so much as she was calling for her to tried for treason, and if found guilty, hung as a penalty. But twitter is such a bunch of assholes anyway that pretty much anything can get you banned these days.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jenkemfactory View Post
    Daniella Stella is awesome!
    I agree with her sentiments.
    But! Obviously, she violated TOS by calling for someone to be harmed.
    This is the sort of stuff I try to avoid. No hint of violence. No matter how mild you think it is. I admit it is hard to resist the occasional outburst.
    Tongue holding is tough. If you must mouth off, do so with your wife, your dad, your pet elephant, or your invisible friend.
    No, she did no such thing. She simply stated her support of our laws:

    United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states:
    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

    Death by hanging is still on the books as acceptable punishment. Sadly, it just isn't used thanks to all the bleeding hearts out there.

    The death penalty is not violence. It is justice meted fairly and impartially in a court of law.

    She simply voiced her opinion of what her punishment should be, that is to say the maximum allowed by law.

    I, for one, agree with her 100 percent. Furthermore, I mouth off to anyone within earshot whenever I damn well please and you should too.

  9. #9
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    I would vote for her if I were able to. Someone who speaks the truth in the face of overwhelming onslaught of liberal lies. Then again I would vote for a literal sack of shit of a muslim terrorist like Omar.

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    Many years ago PBS had a documentary called, "Death of a Princess." She was tried in an Islamic court and found guilty of something we would classify as puberty like kissing her boy friend. Sentenced to death they bound her hands behind her back while she rested on her knees. When the signal was given the executioner gigged her in the side where she raised up and he lopped off her head swinging for the fence. Houston PBS played this one time and then the video disappeared. For a religion of peace and love this shows how they truly are. I think the falling of the world trade centers should be played at sign off like they did with the days dead during the Viet Nam War and every morning when the kiddies pledge allegiance to the flag.

  11. #11
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    Didn't that cunt Omar smirkingly describe the 9/11 attacks as "some people did something"? Yes, she did.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    No shit. Omar is a traitorous cunt who'd see us infidels all beheaded. Hard still to believe she's in our Congress.
    The reason it's in congress is because of those liberal terrorist at LSS of Minnesota and specifically Jodi Harpstead former director of LSS and currently Minnesota's commissioner of the Department of Human Services.
    Liberalism is the root of heresy, the tree of evil in whose branches all the harpies of infidelity find ample shelter; it is today the evil of all evils. - Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany

  13. #13
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    We need to have a McCarthy style cleansing of our government. Get rid of everyone that is not loyal to the United States of America.

    And maybe have public executions, broadcasted on the internet for free for all to watch.

    edit: It's actually been revealed that McCarthy was correct about many of his accusations of communism, but for whatever reason, some communists were protected from harm.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by CreepyAssNigger View Post
    We need to have a McCarthy style cleansing of our government. Get rid of everyone that is not loyal to the United States of America.

    And maybe have public executions, broadcasted on the internet for free for all to watch.
    Liberalism is the root of heresy, the tree of evil in whose branches all the harpies of infidelity find ample shelter; it is today the evil of all evils. - Dr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany

  15. #15
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    Joe McCarthy was right. Joe was right.

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