More nigger genius from magic niggers elected from the nigger plagued armpit of America.
Lawmakers Want to Ban Virginity Examination After T.I.’s Comments About Checking Daughter’s Hymen

New York lawmakers are so disgusted by T.I.'s remarks on his annual doctor visit with his daughter to get her hymen checked that they want to bar such practice. The two female Democratic politicians wants to virginity examination a felony.

According to Page Six, state Sen. Roxanne Persaud (D-Brooklyn) and Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages (D-Nassau) have introduced new legislation that would forbid doctors from performing hymen check-up. They consider such examination unscientific and abusive.

“These examinations are not only a violation of women's and girls' human rights, but in cases of rape, can cause additional pain and mimic the original act of sexual violence, leading to re-experience, re-traumatization and re-victimization,” they said in the bill memo.