So I was at a local taco bell a couple days ago. I'm a ride share driver on the side and I have a sticker in my window so I can be identified. So I go in and order my food and notice this nigger ooking on his phone about something. I'm assuming he needed a ride somewhere. He walks out after a couple minutes and continues to loiter outside the door. I finish my food and walk out and get into my car. Said nigger is still standing there. After about 5 seconds I hear "what's up man?" I look up and make eye contact, and ignore the shit face and look back down trying to find my keys. Next thing I know this nigger is walking up to my car. I reach up and lock my door, and before he gets to my window i put the keys in the ignition and start my car. Nignog looks down and raises his arms up and down a few times in an act of submission and turns around and walks back to where he was. Not sure what the coon wanted, but I assume he wanted a free ride. Not in my car.