Wild hogs granted batwings to a nigger sow in Texas. Wild boars don't like niggers, just like in Africa. The nigger sow was probably trying to grab a piglet for a free meal (it probably already cannibalized it's own niglet long ago), so they attacked.

The sow was a caretaker servant of some elderly homeowners. It could also be that the hogs sensed the sow was a danger to the elderly homeowners, and so, attacked.

The sheriff said the homeowner's dogs are thought to have run off the hogs. The sow's body had multiple bites from different sized hogs. It's likely the dogs saved the hog's lives by running them off before they started consuming the toxic sow, which surely would have poisoned and killed them. As it is, the hogs left with just a bad taste in their mouths. Those are some heroic and honorable dogs to prevent the hogs from suffering such a horrible death.

"She would not only give you the shirt off her back, but also the pants, as well," Christine Marie Rollins' son-in-law said
A disgusting thought, but typical of a nigger sow. The bucks are always trying to muh-dik everything but often it is forgotten that sows will try to muh-poozie everything as well

No need to go on safari in Africa. We can just go to Texas to observe animals and nature taking it's course.
