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  1. #1
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    The Pilgrims are "separatists" who invented Thanksgiving to celebrate burning down Indian villages say shitlibs

    ‘I Was Teaching a Lot of Misconceptions.’ The Way American Kids Are Learning About the 'First Thanksgiving' Is Changing

    Liberal teachers everywhere are learning new 'facts!'

    Did the people many of us know as pilgrims call themselves Separatists? Did the famous meal last three days? True and true, they shouted loudly in unison. Were the pilgrims originally heading for New Jersey? False.
    The teachers at this Nov. 9 workshop on “Rethinking Thanksgiving in Your Classroom” were there to learn a better way to teach the Thanksgiving story to their students, but first, they had some studying to do. When Gokey explained that early days of thanks celebrated the burning of a Pequot village in 1637, and the killing of Wampanoag leader Massasoit’s son, attendees gasped audibly.
    “I look back now and realize I was teaching a lot of misconceptions,” Tonia Parker, a second-grade teacher at Island Creek Elementary School in Alexandria, Va., told TIME.
    In reality, the gathering was neither the first encounter between the colonists and the Native Americans, nor was it purely a happy moment. A mysterious epidemic, spread through contact with the Europeans, had decimated the Wampanoag population, so they reached out to the English at Plymouth, “because they wanted allies and access to European military weapons” in case they needed to defend themselves against their rivals, the Narragansett, according to historian David J. Silverman, author of the new history This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving. And while it’s true that the famous meal in 1621 was peaceful, it did not last. War between the settlers and Wampanoag broke out in the 1670s.

    Thanksgiving? No thanks

    After years of being constantly annoyed and often angry about the historical denial built into Thanksgiving Day, I published an essay in November 2005 suggesting we replace the feasting with fasting and create a National Day of Atonement to acknowledge the genocide of indigenous people that is central to the creation of the United States.

    I expected criticism from right-wing and centrist people, given their common commitment to this country’s distorted self-image that supports the triumphalist/supremacist notions about the United States so common in conventional politics, and I got plenty of such critique. But I was surprised by the resistance from liberals, including a considerable number of my friends.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    How long beofre the liberals are saying Jesus is satanic and christmas is about celebrating (enter some bullshit flavor of the month)?

  3. #3
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    California's retarded little sister... Maryland.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    How long beofre the liberals are saying Jesus is satanic and christmas is about celebrating (enter some bullshit flavor of the month)?
    Christmas is the white mans celebration they stole from the true story of kawanza, where 3 wise Egypshuns followed the police hellicopter across the hood to deliver to the black messiah a 40 of malt liquor, an ounce of weed, and a caddillac converter.
    'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    How long beofre the liberals are saying Jesus is satanic and christmas is about celebrating (enter some bullshit flavor of the month)?
    Those are their end goals, turn people away from Christ, and commercialize Christmas to the point where it's meaning is buried/forgotten.

  5. #5
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    I'm not anti Christmas or anything, I'm just pointing this out that Christmas actually is a Germanic pagan holiday which was originally called Yule, even that was a true holiday compared to Kwanzaa which never existed even in Nigger African folklore. I don't think niggers are capable of maintaining let alone creating any worthwhile culture to celebrate at all so they have to capitalize on any holiday that we have an hence nigger eyes it to the point where it's unrecognizable from its original orientation. It's the same way they like to takeaway obvious white cultures like the Greek or Romans or Egyptians and claimed that they were originally established or maintained by sub-Saharan Africans ie. niggers. They left to their own acord wouldn't be able to come up with anything worthwhile or preserving at all hence they have no true history so they steal other people's and claimed it as their own.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serpents reign View Post
    I'm not anti Christmas or anything. I'm just pointing this out that Christmas actually is a Germanic pagan holiday which was originally called Yule.
    Pretty much every holiday has some kind of pagan roots. Aside of the Hallmark and nigger ones.

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