I used to be a member back during the Trayvon Martin trial, and up until mysterious things happened to the site.

I am a male human, and I hate niggers. When I was a young boy, I used to think they were just like us, but little did I know how much my parents sheltered me from reality. When I joined the military, I was constantly dealing with those inferior nigger beasts, and I started to learn the truth: Niggers are nothing like us!

And then when I left the military, all of my experiences with niggers were also negative. Lazy niggers in offices refusing to do their jobs and trying to get me to do their jobs for them. Lazy niggers in manual labor jobs trying to get me to do their jobs for them. Mentally ill niggers harassing me while I'm shopping and otherwise going about my business.

I can't stand being around niggers, and I enjoy each and every opportunity to say something unkind about them, especially here, because I can't really do that in public. Apparently if you call a nigger a "nigger" to its face, it can legally beat you to death, and there is nothing anyone can do about that.

And even if you don't use the nigger word, apparently niggers can still chimp out and attack you for no reason.

I fucking HATE niggers. They are not human, and never will be, no matter how many times they breed with humans. Their DNA will always cause them to be failures.

There is not a single thing I like or respect about the nigger.

That being said, I hope to contribute some humor to this website, so we can all have a laugh at some nigger fails.