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  1. #1
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
    Chimpout Guest

    Exclamation Convicted rapist kidnaps and rapes 15-year-old girl in Kansas

    Wichita police say they've arrested a 58-year-old convicted rape-ape for forcing a 15-year-old girl into its car and raping her.

    The girl was walking home and was approached by nigger Anthony Seymour. Police say it held a knife to her, forced her into its car and raped her.

    Groid Seymour is on parole for a 2004 conviction of rape of a 14-year-old girl. The rape-ape was last released from its cage in May of 2018.

  2. #2
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    If you watch the video, you know that vile feral muh-dickin' nigger grabbed a human child and not a mini-sheboon, and I bet his past rape convictions he also kiddie diddled a human child.

    Then we have this in the video - The reporter interviewing the rape-apes nigger neighbor and it says "I'z feel sorry fo hibs grandmudda and what she be going through"

    HEY....Nigger, what about the 15 year old child your nigger shit demon rape-ape neighbor and friend just assaulted and raped........ Every time with niggers, it's not about the crime their friends or family committed, it's about their feelings and how muh poor baby be a goot boi.

    This habitual rape-ape needs it's muh-dick cut off and stuck in 24/7 solitary confinement lock-down for the rest of it's life.
    I, too, think the victim is a human girl. 99.9% of rape-apes' victims are human.

    In the good old days people knew how to put the fear of Massa in rape-apes and deter them from coming close to human women

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Seymour is on parole for a 2004 conviction of rape of a 14-year-old girl. He was last released from prison in May of 2018.
    I see his term of incarceration did not achieve the hoped-for rehabilitation of the feral coon. Maybe it will have betters results this time. Or not.

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