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  1. #1
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
    Chimpout Guest

    Exclamation Groid "migrant" randomly attacks three Belgians with wooden weapon, leaving them in serious condition

    A "migrant" from Africa attacked three passers-by in the city center of Kortrijk, Belgium, on Friday evening, leaving two of the victims in serious condition.

    The attacker, a 30-year-old ape from Ghana, randomly smacked passers-by on the head with some sort of wooden weapon, a beam or a stick.

    Shortly after the uncaged ape was arrested by police, nigger-loving law "doctors" who examined it determined that it "suffered" from a mental illness of some sort . As a result, the groid was transferred to a (human) psychiatric hospital.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allah the Pig-Fucker View Post
    Tired of your niggers yet, EU??

  3. #3
    Chimpout Member
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    Shortly after the attacker was arrested by police, law doctors who examined him determined that he suffered from a mental illness of some sort.
    All niggers suffer from "mental illness", it's called niggetism!

  4. #4
    Allah the Pig-Fucker
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mentat of House Atreides View Post
    All niggers suffer from "mental illness", it's called niggetism!
    Niggers don't "suffer" from mental illnesses.

    Libtards and other nigger-coddlers are under the destructive delusion that "niggers are human". So when these native animals of African jungles, i.e. niggers, act and behave according to their hard-wired animal instincts, they baffle their Libtard lovers. And being unwilling to see the inconvenient truth (that niggers are wild apes), nigger-lovers desperately try to come up with an excuse to exonerate their pet apes.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allah the Pig-Fucker View Post
    Niggers don't "suffer" from mental illnesses.

    Libtards and other nigger-coddlers are under the destructive delusion that "niggers are human". So when these native animals of African jungles, i.e. niggers, act and behave according to their hard-wired animal instincts, they baffle their Libtard lovers. And being unwilling to see the inconvenient truth (that niggers are wild apes), nigger-lovers desperately try to come up with an excuse to exonerate their pet apes.
    Agreed! I only used "niggertism" as a frame of reference...

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Welcome Migrants!!

    Maybe he just need some MILK.

    Oh, and thanks to whoever censored those pics of savages. One thing I do NOT to see is nigger muh diks. *gag*

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