How much you wanna bet that this 'day care' was just a dirty nigger nest tended to by an obese she boon trying to make a few extra dollars?

As a mother mourns her 1-year-old son who choked to death, police are investigating an in-home daycare in Arizona.
Jones says later that day she got a call from the daycare owner, Tiffany, who said Symhir had choked on a sandwich, and help was on the way.

"I just kept asking her, ‘Is my baby OK? Is he OK?’ She said, ‘He’s OK. Yes, they’re taking the food out of his mouth. They’re still getting the food out of his mouth. He’s OK,’” Jones said.

But Symhir didn’t make it. His brain had been deprived of oxygen for too long, according to a GoFundMe set up for the family.

And, no nigger tragedy is complete without a Go Fund Me page.