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  1. #1
    White Australia Policy
    Chimpout Guest

    ABO fights and Aussie TNB

    Hey longtime lurker, and lifetime nigger hater from the (former) great white land downunder. Found some interesting abo fights in Australia on Nigtube if any of your veterinary experts want to see how sub 60 IQ niggers fight in the bush.

    If these savages werent enough, former PM Julia Gillard and all the other niggerlovers in parliament (white wamyn) have been making sure we all have lots of African niggers to go along with the native wildlife we already pay welfare checks to.

    They say its because they want "DIVERSITY" "INCLUSION" and all the other bullshit buzzwords they can pull out of their arse. When in reality, its because Millenial white womyn in australia who arent christians, want to suck on as many AIDS death sticks as possible.

    If my great-grandfather was still alive, he wouldnt have died from mustard gas in France in WWI to save australia if he knew what would ensure. He fought for colonial australia, and King George V, not for a bunch of niggers to run around home invading people and stores for jobs, while "strong independant women" (sic) stroke their rods on the weekends. Thank god for you guys for showing me that not the whole world has gone insane.

    BTW here is some footage showing what the sudanese niggers get up to when they arent muh dikking aussie womyn.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    Hi, I'm another Downunder nigger hater.

    Down here in Melbourne we have very few boongs, but by fuck we now have a serious nigger problem. Australia has been tricked into importing these disgusting worthless pieces of shit. Just in the last couple of years alone, the jaboonery in Melbourne has been massive, from just a few thousand of these shit skinned Sudanese nigger bastards. Muggings, robberies, car-jackings, home invasions, jewellery store smash and grabs, looting of shops and every other form of TNB possible. The likes of which Australia has never seen anything like it ever before.

    At first, this nigger behaviour was well reported on, but thanks to the whining niggers and their pathetic coddlers, it is now largely censored from the media. Anyone who criticises "Africans" is instantly labelled a racist Nazi and literally silenced. Melbourne would have to be the leftist liberal nigger loving capital of southern hemisphere. Many people here, particularly the millennials as you mention, are in denial and live in a fantasy land. They are totally brainwashed and have no real clue of the true nature of the African nigger beast. What disgusts me the most is that they actually "feel" for these savages.

    I cant say that I've heard of more than a few cases of Muh-Dikkings or coalburning, but it is happening and sure to rise. Furthermore, our nigger experience here in Melbourne and Australia is only just in its infancy. The niggers have not realised their full potential yet!


  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    I'm saddened that Australia has also bowed to the pressure of political correctness in allowing feral Africoon savages to invade that country.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    Yup... Australia is importing worthless niggers and the ones here are breeding like rabbits. Because we are not allowed to arm ourselves the nigger problem is worse than in many places where the apes know there will be consequences for their TNB. Australian's have woken up very quickly to the problem of niggers and most people don't like them despite relentless media stories about their magical abilities.

    I joined the old chimpout and chose the name Sudisease because the suburb I'd grown up in in inner city Melbourne was overrun by the worthless apes and they destroyed it. It was always a safe, friendly working class area but now women can't walk the streets at night. A girl riding her bike to university about a year ago was attacked by three teenage apes. The filthy subhumans slashed her face with a box cutter and stole her phone. This sort of crime was unheard of in Australia until niggers arrived. And just like everywhere else the cops and government is more interested in attacking people who question african migration than stopping the niggers' TNB.

    I don't agree that Abos are niggers. Many are reasonable people when they're sober but unfortunately they have zero tolerance for alcohol. In the first fight shown above they are fighting fairly and the spectators stopped one kicking the other guy when he was down. Niggers wouldn't do that. They'd all join in the head stomping while ooking "worlstarr".

    The way I see it Abos are the same as native Americans in the USA. They were here first and we owe them something. Niggers we owe nothing and they should be banned from the country for 100,000 years or until they evolve beyond being savage, lazy, worthless apes.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    You should join up and share some of the nigger TNB that is happening in the "Land Down Under"

    Been there a few times myself way back in the day 80's and loved it, but that was before your corrupt politicians started to import the feral nigger beasts.
    Thank You, I would love to.

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    The way I see it Abos are the same as native Americans in the USA.
    I don't know much about Aborigines, but agree about North American Indians. They did not want, nor were they able to assimilate into the culture of the invading settlers and they suffered greatly for that.

    African niggers are another story. They have never progressed past the primitive stage and giving them preferential treatment will mean the downfall of every civilized country.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Sudisease View Post

    A girl riding her bike to university about a year ago was attacked by three teenage apes. The filthy subhumans slashed her face with a box cutter and stole her phone.
    I remember that incident. It was in North Melbourne. The savages cut her up pretty bad. Notice, there was never any follow up stories to it. A classical case of, "Move along please, nothing to see here."

  8. #8
    White Australia Policy
    Chimpout Guest
    Yeah, Melbourne is the libtard coddling capital of the southern hemosphere for sure. However, i have to disagree about abos. My mothers and fathers family both grew up around abos. My late grandmother never used to leave the house without my grandfather due to them getting physically and verbally violent to her. They used to be pissed and fighting outside their home with eachother half the time and throw rocks on my grandparents roof to scare my grandmother, who suffered from severe anxiety and depression, mostly due to them. Anything we 'owed' the abos has been LONG paid for through welfare, free housing and other gibs. I can understand how people would feel sympathy for these bastards if you never lived around them (try Dubbo, Cherbourg, Mackay or Kempsey), but if you have, they're is no way any human being could have respect for these animals. They are literally the missing link that all niggerlogists have been searching for all these years. 50,000 years of "human" (sic) evolution and this is where they're at. Nice to see other aussies out there sick of all the coddling BS going on lately

  9. #9
    White Australia Policy
    Chimpout Guest
    here is a great article written years ago when Italian scientists were studying the abos. Having been around them and seen them at there worst theyre is no way there is any comparision with native american (indians). Native americans and mezoamericans for one have a MUCH higher IQ than these "people", and when the British and Spanish first encountered these people, they were amazed at the irrigation setups these people had to grow food for hundreds of thousands of people as well as creating two of the MOST important stable foods for western civilization since the Europeans discovered the new world (potatoes from the Incas, and corn from the native americans). I genuinely have a lot of respect for native americans and feel genuinely sorry for how history played out for them. To compare native and mezoamericans to abo niggers who to this day, rape their babies and children, drink methylated spirits (regional Australia had to put blue dye in it to try to keep the morons from drinking it), to no avail. Their children, instead of going to school, throw rocks at truck windows from overpass bridges and spit in the face and abuse law enforcement on a day to day basis. Unlike the African niggers i admit that they arent nearly as much of a threat mostly due to them having no motivation to do half the stuff the sudanese will do.

  10. #10
    Chimpout Guest
    The indigenous peoples of Australia are known as the Australids. Dr. Richard Lynn notes that they have long been recognized as a distinct race by classical anthropologists, and Coon, Garn and Birdsell proposes them as one of the 7 major races in his taxonomy. Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzia, and Piazza confirm in their cluster analysis that the Australian aborigines are indeed a distinct genetic group.

  11. #11
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    To the unregistered guest above ^^^ I've edited your post as it is insanely lengthy for a forum post. May I ask you to post a link to the article instead? (or join as a regular member, I'm sure we'd be glad to have you)

    SC Anemia

  12. #12
    White Australia Policy
    Chimpout Guest
    Heres the link...

    Hi, sorry about that anemia, the only reason i posted the article, rather than the link is because nigger loving coddlers shut down the webpage due to it being raycis. Sorry that it was too long, was just copying and pasting the direct article from stormfronts down under forum as i couldnt find an active link to that particular article anymore. To all our US brothers and sisters, thank god you can still have freedom of speech. Half the reason i unfortunately post as a guest instead of joining officallly like i love to. If it wasn't for this particular piece of legislative vomit introduced by commie parasites, id have joined a long time ago.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by White Australia Policy View Post
    Hey longtime lurker, and lifetime nigger hater from the (former) great white land downunder. Found some interesting abo fights in Australia on Nigtube if any of your veterinary experts want to see how sub 60 IQ niggers fight in the bush.

    If these savages werent enough, former PM Julia Gillard and all the other niggerlovers in parliament (white wamyn) have been making sure we all have lots of African niggers to go along with the native wildlife we already pay welfare checks to.

    They say its because they want "DIVERSITY" "INCLUSION" and all the other bullshit buzzwords they can pull out of their arse. When in reality, its because Millenial white womyn in australia who arent christians, want to suck on as many AIDS death sticks as possible.

    If my great-grandfather was still alive, he wouldnt have died from mustard gas in France in WWI to save australia if he knew what would ensure. He fought for colonial australia, and King George V, not for a bunch of niggers to run around home invading people and stores for jobs, while "strong independant women" (sic) stroke their rods on the weekends. Thank god for you guys for showing me that not the whole world has gone insane.

    BTW here is some footage showing what the sudanese niggers get up to when they arent muh dikking aussie womyn.

    They should start a new reality TV show: Gladiator Primates!!"

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by White Australia Policy View Post
    Heres the link...

    Hi, sorry about that anemia, the only reason i posted the article, rather than the link is because nigger loving coddlers shut down the webpage due to it being raycis. Sorry that it was too long, was just copying and pasting the direct article from stormfronts down under forum as i couldnt find an active link to that particular article anymore. To all our US brothers and sisters, thank god you can still have freedom of speech. Half the reason i unfortunately post as a guest instead of joining officallly like i love to. If it wasn't for this particular piece of legislative vomit introduced by commie parasites, id have joined a long time ago.

    I didn't catch your post but just in case, please refer to our fair use policy.

    2: Fair Use Policy. If you are going to post an article from another website, such as a news story, do not post the entire article. You may ONLY post small portions of the article. According to the 1961 Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of US Copyright law, you can post such articles in this manner: “...use in a parody of some of the content of the article parodied; summary of an address or article with brief quotations.” To be extra careful it is best not to copy the authors name or the title of the article. Posting all this information can lead to legal problems for the forums. DO NOT directly link (hotlink) to images on other websites. That is another serious copyright violation that could get us into trouble. Violating this policy will earn you a mandatory ban, so please take note. We don't take members risking the fate of the entire forum lightly.
    You can post a quote from the article or a link to it if it still exists and/or summarize it but no posting of the entire article or linking images directly.

    If you would like to join still we would love to have you. You might be able to get some anonymous browsing via a VPN. There are some good free ones out there.

  15. #15
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by White Australia Policy View Post
    Heres the link...

    Hi, sorry about that anemia, the only reason i posted the article, rather than the link is because nigger loving coddlers shut down the webpage due to it being raycis. Sorry that it was too long, was just copying and pasting the direct article from stormfronts down under forum as i couldnt find an active link to that particular article anymore. To all our US brothers and sisters, thank god you can still have freedom of speech. Half the reason i unfortunately post as a guest instead of joining officallly like i love to. If it wasn't for this particular piece of legislative vomit introduced by commie parasites, id have joined a long time ago.
    Sometimes as an American, I mistakenly carry on as if other countries embrace the same Bill of Rights as we do. Notice that I didn't say "take for granted" because I treasure and cherish our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
    And....I looked up Australia's Section 18C.

    (1) It is unlawful for a person to do an act, otherwise than in private, if: (a) the act is reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or a group of people; and.
    HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! According to that, it's unlawful to hurt someone's feelings? Not criminal but still unlawful. Man I'm afraid to even look that up. I dont think I want to even know what not criminal but still unlawful means.

    **Still, we'd love to have you join. Sorry about the inconvenience more than you know. That really has to blow.

    Either way, cheers mate!

  16. #16
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    According to that, it's unlawful to hurt someone's feelings?
    That's not allowed in the US either. You might not be put in jail, but you can lose your job or your business and become a pariah if you say "nigger" or make any remark that might offend muzzies, LGBTQwhatever, the obese or any entity on this planet or another. You are only allowed to disparage white males or Nazis. Period.

  17. #17
    Chimpout Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by White Australia Policy View Post
    Having been around them and seen them at there worst there is no way there is any comparision with native american (indians). Native americans and mezoamericans for one have a MUCH higher IQ than these "people"
    I have to agree that our Abos are not the most intelligent race but I compare them with native Americans in that they were here first. They would rather sit under a tree all day and drink.... but I'm not sure that makes them less sensible than me who spends all day staring at a computer screen and slaving to pay my taxes and mortgages. Having said that I wouldn't want to live in a town with a big Abo population. I was in Bourke (about 750kms west of Sydney) a few months ago and every house has 10 foot high electric fencing to keep them out.

    Anyway... this site is about bashing the filthy african ape. I'm sure we can agree that they are worthless creatures. Cheers!

  18. #18
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    We could use a couple of people from down under as members here. News from Australia is sometimes a black hole, worthwhile contributions would be welcome.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

  19. #19
    White Australia Policy
    Chimpout Guest
    Be glad to help. Home invasions and the good ol american bluegum tactic of loot'n'scoot seem to be having everyday in Victoriastan, Brisbane and Sydney these days so there is no shortage of material to find on these pieces of shit. Our media though is an even bigger disgrace than in the US also, with all our free-to-air TV stations refuse to identify criminals by race in the news anymore (unless your a white man).

    Heres a fresh one, today from Victoriastan. ISIS scumbag who threatened to blow up a plane appeals sentence. DURKA DURKA

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