Senior Trustee
Where were you, how did you react, on 09-11-01?
My wife and I returned from our honeymoon on Sunday night, 09-09-01. I had never been happier in my 27 years. I got up the next morning excited to return to a job I loved (finance manager at a Honda dealership). The wife was beginning 3 days of testing to get her state teaching certificate. Life seemed to be so full of possibility, purpose, and optimism. I honestly felt (and still do in many ways) that there was no limit to what we could do.
That night, we splurged on a “fancy” dinner using the remainder of the cash we were given for our honeymoon. Again, it was almost like being in an alternate reality where nothing bad ever happens.
The next morning, the wife had to get up early again for her testing. It was September 11, Los Angeles, CA.
I was still asleep when I heard her shout my name, “Tommy!”. I awoke a bit startled – what was it, another microscopic spider on the wall…? I walked into our living room in my birthday suit, she was pointing at the TV and trembling.
This was probably just after 06:00 DST. I missed seeing the UA 175 crash live, but she had seen it. It took a couple minutes for the morning show to re-run it, but when I saw it, I turned to her and told her it was Moslems and we were at war. I had no doubt!
I immediately thought of Dad. He was near the Pentagon and he would know what was going on, but his phone went right to his voicemail. Meanwhile, the news played the crash over and over again. I felt sick. I knew the loss of life would be horrendous. My wife was crying at this point.
A few minutes later, we got a call from my father-in-law, Jacques. He was concerned for our safety and offered to do whatever needed to be done to bring us to Montreal if we needed to get out. I remember telling him that they would probably ground air traffic and we were safe in our little condo in the Valley. I was also armed and well-trained. His daughter was safe.
I tried Dad again. No joy. Weeks later, I learned that he was in the parking lot of an adjacent building in the greater Pentagon complex with his aide in a USN Suburban. He was talking to one of his sons (we’ve never figured out which one – I know it wasn’t me) when he heard AA 77 fly over at full throttle and then felt the ground shake.
He’s a sphinx. He never says anything about anything, but he has told me a few things about what he saw that day. It’s life-altering and extraordinarily sad.
Those days, I was riding to work with a friend. My little Ford Ranger had finally shit the bed and I didn’t have a car. He was waiting for me outside, so I took a 90 second shower, threw on a shirt and tie, and ran down the stairs.
On my way out the door, I told my wife not to worry. She was still visibly upset.
During my commute, 77 hit the Pentagon, but my friend and I were in such a deep discussion, we didn’t hear the report on the radio.
When we got to the dealership, all the TV’s were tuned to the news and everyone just stood in stunned silence. There were gasps, even tears at times. I went right to my desk and was checking my emails when my boss walked in.
“Your Dad is Navy?”, he asked.
He tossed the keys to one of our Accord loaner-cars on my desk and said, “Go home.”
I asked him why?
He said, “You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
He told me about the Pentagon.
I’m a pretty cool cucumber, and not prone to letting my emotions get the better of me, but I have to admit, I feared the worst at that moment and was in tears as I drove home.
When I pulled into our parking space I saw my wife’s car was still there. They had canceled testing for the day. I got it together and walked through the door.
By that time, there was video of the aftermath of the strike on the west side of the Pentagon. I know this is a shitty thing to say, but I was relieved. Dad’s administrative offices were in the Navy Annex across the street. There would have been no reason for him to be in the Pentagon building.
We spent the rest of the day watching the coverage, as I suspect most of us did. At some point, I got in touch with Mom in Virginia and she told me that dad was fine.
It seems surreal all these years later, but it also seems like yesterday. In the span of 24 hours we ran the gamut of emotions from ecstatic euphoria to horror.
May God bless America, and bless the souls of all who were lost in New York, the Pentagon, Shanksville, Afghanistan, Iraq, and everywhere the Death Cult of Islam has attacked freedom.
I was 33 and was just getting into my stride working in IT after 3 years. Was working at a place that did student loans for truck driving school students. Fairly big operation, and the IT dept had an open checkbook for equipment, software, staff and such. Great manager, awesome co-workers. They had dozens of ghetto sows fresh off welfare working in the collections dept - nasty sows, perfect for the job. 
So I'm watching over his shoulder as one of the senior admins shows me how to partition space on a big new EMC RAID array we had just installed. There was a brilliant programmer who also happened to be an amateur pilot working a few rows of cubes away. He shouts out, "A plane just hit the World Trade Center!" My first thought was "Bid deal. Some knucklehead in a Cessna got lost. It's happened before. No major damage." We all knew better within about 5 minutes.
A bunch of IT staff gathered around the programmers desk. He had some news feeds. Can't recall that there was a TV, maybe there was in the lunch room. There was some speculation about what might have happened, most of it head scratching about why a commercial jet would be anywhere near there. Then the second plane was flown into the towers. Now there was no doubt, terrorists. Shortly afterwards they told us all to go home.
I went home and got the only defensive firearm I had at that time. A S&W K frame single action 38SPCL revolver, got back in the car and headed to my parents house. (Dad had a significantly better arsenal.).
Mid day turned to afternoon, and evening. Glued to the TV, watching the same footage over and over. Went back to my house and for the first time, kept a pistol on the bedside table.
Two days later it was learned that a kid I grew up with, Bobby, had been on the second plane into the towers. I had known Bobby since about age 5 or 6. His mother used to babysit me for a few hours in the afternoon when my mother went to the family business to do the books. When we got to be 7-8 it became clear that Bobby was "different". His older sister told me once that Bobby had a "blood problem". Actually, he was as gay as the day is long. I moved on to other friends, more interested in sports than than A&E type stuff. We went to school together pretty much through high school, but didn't associate.
There was a big memorial held for Bobby at his sisters place about a week later. I learned he had finally found his dream job. Working as a steward for United Airlines. He had been on the job for only a month or two before 9/11. I remember thinking to myself how ironic it was that Bobby was one of the first casualties of the new war.
I'm much better prepared now, and it's a 1911 that now stands at the ready on my bedside table.
Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.
Senior Trustee
So many of us had the same experience you and I did that day. It was truly a national trauma.
On the West Coast, we had the disadvantage of being 3 hours behind the initial events. Later that afternoon, I went outside to get something out of my wife's car and noticed this ghostly silence -- even the always-present traffic noise was noticeably muted.
I think the entire nation spent the rest of that day on the couch watching the news...
I had the day off and slept in. Being 3 hours earlier on the west coast, Flt.11 had already hit the North Tower when I turned on the news to watch with my coffee.
Like most everyone else, I was mostly stunned at the magnitude of the attack. Later I was pissed, really pissed.
I was maybe 15 minutes into the news coverage with things just starting to sink-in when I first thought about my oldest son. He had just enlisted in the Marine Corps a year earlier and was at AIT at Camp Pendleton at the time. My only thought was "aw fuck, his return address is gonna change".
I dont think I was worried (O.K. maybe a little) but just fuckin pissed. As it turned out, he didnt get involved in any asslifter games until the Spring of 2003 when he went into Baghdad with the 1st. Marines.
To Hell with pisslam and every last one of those motherfuckers!
Senior Trustee

Originally Posted by
SC Anemia
...I first thought about my oldest son. He had just enlisted in the Marine Corps a year earlier and was at AIT at Camp Pendleton at the time....
As it turned out, he didnt get involved in any asslifter games until the Spring of 2003 when he went into Baghdad with the 1st. Marines.
I don't know how you were able to sleep at night.
To Hell with pisslam and every last one of those motherfuckers!
I was only 103 miles away from ground zero that day. The weather was absolutely perfect. I remember the skies were 100% blue, not a cloud anywhere. Temps in the mid 70's.
It would have been such a nice day...
Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

Originally Posted by
Midder Peenud Hayed
I don't know how you were able to sleep at night.
I could say I wasn't bothered but that's a lie. Actually, in as much as I couldn't help but be worried to death there was one thing that did give me some peace.
I knew what training he had first hand having been through it myself. That may sound kind of hokey but honest to God it was at least something.
I was at work, i remember the exact spot i was standing at. It probably would have been around 9:15am give or take when i first heard, we had just gotten back from our morning break. I was standing in front of my supervisors office talking with a buddy of mine. We would run around together, go to concerts and that kind of thing. We were either talking about some upcoming concert or some new CD that was coming out. Another guy comes up to us and says a plane just hit the WTC in New York. Like many people i did not grasp what he meant, i jokingly said something like was the pilot blind or something? I mean how can you hit that? Then i could tell by the look in his eyes and his voice that it was more serious. He asked did i have a radio at my work station, which i did. We go over there and he turned it on and they were talking about what had happened.
This was a small/mid sized factory, we probably only had around 100 people working there. There were no TVs in the place but plenty of radios, a few computers with internet access. It was a laid back company, they let us bring in radios to listen to. Nobody worked all day, everyone just spent the day gathered around radios taking in the news. Around noon they just sent everyone home and gave us the next day off as well.
It was a strange day all day long. Many things remain in my mind from that day that normally i would have forgotten. The weather was perfect here as well. We have a section of the WTC nearby that i visit on occasion, i was just there over the weekend.
A related question for everyone, what is a good age to start telling children about 9/11? Lets face it, if we leave it up to the schools they will either turn it into some sort of accident or that it was Americas fault. If they find out about it online all they will read are the conspiracy theories. Its up to us to teach the next generation the truth.
I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

Originally Posted by
Buck Simian
A related question for everyone, what is a good age to start telling children about 9/11? Lets face it, if we leave it up to the schools they will either turn it into some sort of accident or that it was Americas fault. If they find out about it online all they will read are the conspiracy theories. Its up to us to teach the next generation the truth.
Good question. Kids are pretty resilient and I've always thought that they understand more than we give them credit for.
My "little ones" are in their mid-thirties now but I'd say 6-7. The hardest part about telling a child that some very bad men flew airplanes into some buildings is that kids are going to be kids and ask "why". You're on your own with that one.
They'll put two and two together and probably ask "doesn't that mean they died too?" That brings up suicide and another "why" question. Tough one.
Now I have a question. Does anyone know of any niggers looting NYC right after the attacks?
I swear niggers would have looted the commissary and base exchange at Pearl Harbor.
Senior Trustee

Originally Posted by
Buck Simian
A related question for everyone, what is a good age to start telling children about 9/11? Lets face it, if we leave it up to the schools they will either turn it into some sort of accident or that it was Americas fault. If they find out about it online all they will read are the conspiracy theories. Its up to us to teach the next generation the truth.
That's a great question, and in a larger sense, there are several "conversations" parents struggle to time perfectly. It's impossible these days, IMHO. I think the best you can do is be prepared to answer the questions after they learn the reality.
Our teenagers have absorbed the basics of 09-11-01 through osmosis. They are aware of the event, but to the best of my knowledge, we've never had any conversation with them, and I can only speak for myself, but they've never asked me any questions about it. To them, I'm sure it's history that occurred before they were born, like Vietnam is to their father.
I doubt our 2nd grader (in his Mom's class this year) knows anything about it. He's never said anything to me, anyway. His little brother, yeah... He's not even 3.
If I were to get a question about 9-11, I hope that I would be able to give an age-appropriate answer. To be honest, my wife would probably be better at it. She deals with 7 and 8 y/o's five days a week. That's why she can live with me
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
I was taking my (then) girlfriends kids to school. I heard about it on the radio.
"A plane has struck the WTC building" Naievely, I assumed it was a small traffic plane like a Piper or Cesna, or even a police or traffic-copter. When I got home (I was off that day) I turned on the TV. They still weren't reporting it as a commercial aircraft, but seeing the amount of coal black smoke, I knew it was a large craft with lots of fuel.
They were reporting that evacuees were being told to or alowed to return to the other tower. Then, as rumors of a hijacking and more details were emerging, it happened again, live. I called my father to let him know a second pearl harbor was happening. By the time I got to his house, the pentagon was hit. We drank beer and watched it together...The towers and building 7 falling, the arial shot of Shanksville, the Pentagon, people fleeing by ferry or bridge, the dust, the panic, the smoke, the tears.
It still amazes me how quickly the media tilled it under... How one year later all anyone could talk about was Jennifer Lopez's ass. How fast sheeple forgot, how many survivors and widdowed families were cast aside. How many thousands were still dying or being diagnosed with respiratory injury and suffering. Most of all, how quickly the media washed the hands of ISLAM, clean of the innocent blood it had shed.
I never forgot and I never will, and the rage grows with every insulting year, as it is continued to be swept under the rug and more sand niggers poke the bear every chance they get. Building a fuckin mosque at ground zero, weasling their way into office, talking shit about our country, destroying our culture, all while recieving hand-outs and demanding tollerance!!!
'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23
Senior Trustee

Originally Posted by
...I never forgot and I never will, and the rage grows with every insulting year, as it is continued to be swept under the rug and more sand niggers poke the bear every chance they get. Building a fuckin mosque at ground zero, weasling their way into office, talking shit about our country, destroying our culture, all while recieving hand-outs and demanding tollerance!!!
That's why I ask this same question every year on 09-11.
The Ground Zero mosque is an abomination. It should have never been allowed!
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23
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Senior Trustee
Warning: This will not be over quickly so if you have a short attention span, you have been warned. Turn back now or don't bitch later.
I will preface my account with this. In the Navy, we have a saying: The difference between a fairy tale and a sea story is this - A fairy tale starts off with "Once upon a time" while a sea story starts off with "This is no shit."
With that in mind, if you know friends or family of the heroes of flight 93, just stop here.
I was stationed at NAS Fort Worth toward the end of my enlistment. I had struggled with the decision to leave the Navy after a deeply personal loss which I blamed on the medical care provided to my family through our medical insurance package. To those who don't understand, we don't get that or any other stuff for free, folks. If it were free, it would be even worse. I had made my decision just two days prior and passed up my choice of orders in doing so to pursue opportunities in the private sector. I had attended several job fairs and had good jobs offered to me with pay and benefits far outweighing my then compensation package. I could double my families comfort level easily and not face the long hours, separations and all the other family hardships that go with military life.
That morning, I was going about my daily routine of supervising the quality of work for my crew. As I was finishing up with one of my technicians, my number one guy, Dave, came running into the room saying his wife just called him and said that a plane had just crashed into one of the towers. I assumed, like many others including some here, that it was some small tourist plane or a student. I went to my locker and pulled out my 5 inch black and white TV that we would watch for inclement weather forecast which the area was notorious for. There it was on an endless loop on every channel. We all watched live as the second plane hit. Dave turned white as a ghost. He stammered something about what his son had said to his mother that morning on the way to preschool. This four year old child said "Mommy, Daddy - I want to go to New York." It was one of those things that parents ignore as background noise coming from the car seat crew in the back until they say it louder and enough times that one of them replied with "What baby, What? Why do you want to go to New York?" to which he replied "To see the planes, mommy!" This was around 0600 that morning well prior to the attacks. They both continued on with their morning routine thinking nothing more of the incident. Minutes after the news started flooding in, the daycare called them both up and told them that one of them needed to pick up the kids. They were shutting down due to the attacks. Dave's (civilian) wife did just that as we all stayed glued to the news. When his wife arrived for the children, the daycare staff assured them that the children knew nothing of the morning's events and were well shielded from the news with no TV or radio coverage available to them. She called Dave after picking them up. Recalling what the oldest had said earlier, she quizzed him once in the car as to why he made such a curious statement to them. He replied somberly "well, I wanted to see the planes fly into the buildings... But I don't want to anymore - it's too sad." We all watched as Dave got off the phone looking even whiter than before and told us all what his wife had just relayed to him. The entire shop was speechless. I felt the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. His son never explained why he came up with this stuff except to say that he "just knew it when he woke up."
Remember, I said this is no shit.
We had another Dave working there. He had just transferred in from NAF Washington, DC. a couple of weeks prior. He was on the phone with his buddies from DC trying to find out what was going on. They told him it was a madhouse there. One of them watched a couple of F16's roll out with an AIM9 Sidewinder on each rail. They noted the tail numbers of the birds and recognized them as being from the ready hangar. When these guys roll, the runway clears as does all airspace around them. They made short work of the taxi and runway at full AB the whole way immediately turning north. When they returned, one of them landed with no missiles on the rails. Any missile shoot is a huge deal. It's not like when you go to the firing range to pop off a few. These missiles are tracked from cradle to grave. When Dave's squadron buddies inquired about them, they were quickly told to zip their mouths shut and move along.
The government has gone to great lengths to obfuscate what happened with flight 93, even going so far as to hint that we did make them the sacrificial anode that day but at the hands of another unit. This is typical psyop programming - misdirection so someone will look at the right hand to prove to themselves that there is nothing there when actually the left hand has already taken your watch and wallet.
Don't misunderstand me here. I totally agree with the Bush admin's decision to "take lives in the air to save them on the ground." I also believe that the flight 93 passenger did indeed put up a heroic fight at the end - but you don't just pull a jet out of an uncontrolled dive without plenty of stick time under your belt and working engines. Those passengers had neither. The AIM9's took out those engines and likely large chunks of the wings. This does nothing to take away from what those men did that day. In my mind they will always be heroes and that is the way they should be remembered. This image was and is needed for national security reasons which I support and there is nothing I would do to change that. I am but a small frog in huge pond and couldn't change it if I wanted to - but it was what it was and is what it is.
We all spent the rest of the day glued to the news and accomplished nothing until our Maintenance Officer called quarters that afternoon. Once formed up, in between the screaming flyovers of heavily armed aircraft we were all briefed on what was to soon come down the pike then sent home and told to wait by the phone for further instructions. On the way out of the front gate, there sat several Hummers with 50 cal's on top with some of the angriest meanest looking Marines I had seen in years. They weren't letting anyone close to the gate without their name being on the RSVP list of essential personnel and every one of them damn near got a body cavity search. It was the tightest I had ever seen security on base.
I made my way home to be with family that night. My brother and I (Navy as well) both lived in the same small town outside of Fort Worth, him with his wife also. We all four spent that night walking around my neighborhood pondering the days events. I will never forget how pitch black it was out there without a single airplane in the sky all night. It was so still and clear that we could watch the intel satellites orbit overhead counting the orbit times like clockwork as we walked around angrily sipping Jack Daniel's and brooding over our collective hate of muslims.
Two days later, we were finally ordered back to the base to resume duties and I knew why I had put off giving my Division Officer a hard yes on separation - everything happens for a reason. I couldn't leave after that. I put my heart ache with the Navy aside and finished out my career, taking my oath of enlistment three days after the attacks and never looked back.
I guess the other difference between a fairy tale and a sea story is that nobody really lives happily ever after.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
They made short work of the taxi and runway at full AB the whole way immediately turning north. When they returned, one of them landed with no missiles on the rails.
Honestly, I recall a 15 second snippet on Fox 45 news where Collon Powell was in some shit after the 1 year ceremony, where he was giving a speach about 9/11 and mentioned "the planes that hit the world trade center and the Pentagon, and the brave men and women on the flight that was SHOT DOWN over Shanksville, Pa."
I heard it and watched it on the news. It was not my immagination. Now there is no record that it was ever said. You cannot find the clip ANYWHERE online.
I've looked for years, for someone to slip it on the web under the radar, but it's gone.
'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23
Senior Trustee

Originally Posted by
Honestly, I recall a 15 second snippet on Fox 45 news where Collon Powell was in some shit after the 1 year ceremony, where he was giving a speach about 9/11 and mentioned "the planes that hit the world trade center and the Pentagon, and the brave men and women on the flight that was SHOT DOWN over Shanksville, Pa."
I heard it and watched it on the news. It was not my immagination. Now there is no record that it was ever said. You cannot find the clip ANYWHERE online.
I've looked for years, for someone to slip it on the web under the radar, but it's gone.
I've seen the same snippet myself as well as other slips made by numerous others including military officials perhaps some strategically slipped, some perhaps not. I don't know.
I'm not privy to that information. I am reasonably certain however, that Colin Powell was not supposed to say that. He has been a thorn in our country's side for far too long.
Here's the thing. I've considered the possible outcomes of different responses.
Scenario one (as it played out):
- The story is released about the futile attempt to take back flight 93 and now these men that fought back are hailed as heroes. This sent the message that even our civilians (I prefer in this case the term militia - albeit an impromptu one) are prepared to fight to the death for this country, our way of life, our families and our friends and neighbors.
- The Bush administration administration announced that we were prepared to take lives in the air to save lives on the ground. This sent the message that we are willing to sacrifice a pawn to win the game.
- The Bush admin never admitted to nor denied shooting them down. This leaves the families comfort and the rest of America with a sense of renewed mission faith. This leaves the media nothing to use against us. This also leaves our enemies wondering whether or not it would be a worthwhile path to pursue in the future.
Scenario two (as it could have played out):
- Bush admits outright that we shot the plane down. The libtard pussies in the media and the spineless democrats would have a field day with this one which would last a hundred years. I don't think I even have to explain all the harm this could have caused. The liberal's reactions would send the message that we are easily divisible which the muslim world takes as an invitation to divide and conquer. The media is our own "fifth column."
- Bush refused to act leaving the hijackers to target who knows where killing untold numbers more. Maybe they hit a school and kill a few hundred children. Maybe a nuclear plant. We thankfully will never know.
Either of these last two would embolden our enemies both at home and abroad ensuring our defeat.
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
I've seen the same snippet myself as well as other slips made by numerous others including military officials perhaps some strategically slipped, some perhaps not. I don't know.
'You shall not lie with any animal to defile yourself with it; neither shall any woman give herself to an animal, to lie down with it: it is a perversion. Leviticus 18:23
I am not going to go too deep down the conspiracy rabbit hole. I do admit i believe it is possible that flight 93 might have been shot down, but i am going to stick with the official report that it was forced down by either passengers or hijackers. Even if it were shot down, i would accept it as being a tragic choice for the greater good-it had to be done. One thing to consider, Could have they really covered that up? Look back at how hated George Bush and and his crew were back during his presidency. People hated him with a passion. I would say almost more than they hate Trump today. If that plane were shot down and his administration covered it up the word would have gotten out to others in DC. Some high ranking Democrat senator would have found out and used it against him. And then 8 years of Obama as president? He would have let it out for certain. It would have ruined any chance of a republican winning in 2016.
Conspiracy theories are easy to start and hard to kill. There is a little known conspiracy theory that started in hometown on 9/11. Sometime in the afternoon there was a couple of loud booms, it shook everyones houses. I go running outside, everyone is looking up into the sky but nothing is there. I go back inside and the local news is reporting on the mysterious booms, unconfirmed reports of a plane down in the west side of Dayton and also on a fire at our VA center. Everyone puts two and two together, assumes that another plane crashed and it hit the VA center! I jump in my car, drive out that way. All i see is a bunch of niggers knuckle dragging around as usual. I head back home, by this time the news finally has it right. The booms were sonic booms coming from fighter jets flying over, Wright Patterson AFB is right next door so that is possible. The fire? A field and a old vacant building next to the VA center had caught fire. Still to this day you have conspiracy theorists speaking of the mystery plane which was shot down over Dayton on 9/11. Believe me, if a plane was shot down here someone would have seen it, there is no way they could have covered it up. This is how it happens, a tragic event happens then every small, strange out of the ordinary quirk that happens in that time-frame is somehow combined into it by people panicking, making things appear to be a cover-up.
I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.