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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
    tweakstick's Avatar
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    Junkyard nigger parents

    I took a trip to the local pull-a-part salvage yard today to try to save a few bucks on a wiper motor. It's always a gamble and you always seem to witness some kind of monkeyshines there. I went anyway since payday isn't until the 1rst and I had no intention of spending 150 bucks just to have some nog at the local parts shop special order the wrong one for that price. While I was working to try to remove the part I wanted, there was a buck and his sow three cars down from me ooking and eeking under the hood of a car when I saw a golf cart drive up with a really pissed off looking black uniformed deputy behind the wheel. He pulled into the aisle and started going off on these two asking if they were the two that left the baby up front alone by the checkout line. These two started humm hawing and the buck said that he didn't want to leave the baby with chile protecsive serbusses. I'm still not sure what he meant by that one since doing what they did is a sure fire way to ensure that this is exactly what should have happened after the stunt they pulled. After a couple of minutes, the sheboon takes off toward the front of the lot while the cop continued to rip into the buck.

    These clowns had been there for thirty minutes before the cop showed up. I could simply not believe he didn't haul the two off in cuffs for abandoning their child. When I made it up to the front to check out, there they were. The cop let them off - I supposed because they were all black. I'm sure of a few of things here. First, I would never bring my two year old girl to a junkyard. Second, I would never let my child out of my sight anywhere other than my house and even then, proper supervision is a must. Third, I would have taken a ride in the backseat to the local jail and lost custody if I behaved so irresponsibly especially if the cop was black.

    This kid could not have been more than two and a half at best.

    I am constantly both appalled and amazed at what niggers pass off as parenting.


  2. #2
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    I was kinda hoping they had left it in the hooptie. I like happy endings.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    I am going to say let the niglet stay with its "parents". It has a greater chance of being made good later on via an encounter with the police. Just think , the NFL might still be watchable if Kaepernick had stuck around with its buck and sow.

  4. #4
    DJ Stoopnig
    Chimpout Guest
    They left the niglet at the front counter as a bartering good, hoping to trade it in for some hooptie parts.

    "What can you gibbs me for this slightly used 2 yr old tar baby?"

  5. #5
    Super Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    I was kinda hoping they had left it in the hooptie. I like happy endings.

  6. #6
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    I was kinda hoping they had left it in the hooptie. I like happy endings.
    If I had a niglets that's where I would leave it. Of course though I don't and never will have one - but just saying. It seems like a proper place to keep one.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

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