What do I want as a black American?

The legacy of slavery is indelibly borne on my black skin, and you handed me a second-class citizenship because of that skin.
Here is what we with black skin know a lot about, firsthand: family separations, false reconstruction efforts, the abolishing of the Freedmen’s Bureau, Jim Crow policies, black codes, lynchings, cross-burnings, dehumanization, degradation, desegregation, the KKK, White Citizens Councils, media distortions (see “Birth of a Nation”), fake social media messages inciting racial divisiveness, burning churches, the destruction of successful black communities such as Rosewood, Fla., and Tulsa, Okla., sharecropping and defacto slavery, discrimination, economic disadvantages, racial bigotry, hatred, terrorism, intimidation, voter suppression, aggressive housing foreclosures, redlining, restrictive covenants, ghettos, gentrification, massive prison incarceration, political marginalization, economic burdens, guns and drugs dumped into our neighborhoods, the targeting of black activists by federal agencies, employment restrictions, toothless Affirmative Action policies, police brutality, shootings of unarmed black men, lack of accessible and affordable health care, deliberate barriers to wealth creation and generational transfer of wealth.

And you have the nerve to ask me what do I want as a black American?