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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
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    Nigger and Sow/Buck beat, rape 3 year old niglet to death.

    More fine nigger parenting.

    According to the Albany Police Department, the child's stepfather, 20-year-old Gregory Parker, was arrested on charges of aggravated child molestation, rape, aggravated sodomy, aggravated battery, battery, and cruelty to children in the 1st degree.
    Check out the pic of the mother. I had to do a little more research to determine that is its picture and it's a sow. Allegedly.

    Janiyah’s mother, 19-year-old Crystal Brooks, was also arrested. According to police, they discovered the teen not only knew that Parker was mistreating the child – she was present when it happened.

  2. #2
    SC Anemia
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    Wow, this chile was literally fucked to death. A three year old.
    Let that sink in and share it with your liberal friends. Just like us huh?

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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    Bucks nearly always kill the spawn of their sows. If they can combine murder with muh dik, even better. They're just doing what comes naturally. Anyone who says those two are human is delusional.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Member
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    Janiyah’s mother, 19-year-old Crystal Brooks, was also arrested. According to police, they discovered the teen not only knew that Parker was mistreating the child – she was present when it happened.
    "The teen."

    Even when the niggers literally fuck a 3 year old to DEATH, the media tries to humanize the mama sow...

    Fucking disgusting. If anyone deserves to be executed for their crimes, it's fucked up rapists who muh-dik a toddler to batwing status. Blows my mind that tax dollars will be wasted on feeding, housing, and "rehabilitating" these fucking worthless, savage animals.
    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Stoopnig View Post
    You could put a blonde wig on a mousetrap and a nigger will fuck it.

  5. #5
    Senior Trustee
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    "The teen."
    It's enough to make a sane person nuts. Are they trying to imply that she's just an innocent child who didn't know any better than to let the buck torture and rape the niglet to death? She probably participated. Niggers are all "teens" or "youths" when they commit crimes so unspeakable and so heinous that even Jeffrey Dahmer would be shocked. And yeah, all YOU people will have to pay for both niggers' food, clothes, internet access. lawyers, medical care and whatever else they need now. There is NO rehabilition for niggers and their beyond-savage crimes, anymore than a rabid dog can be rehabbed. The solution should be the same in both cases.

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Def by Muh Dik! is one of the most common causes of niglets handing out bat wings.

    And what's up with that sow's (???) hayed fur? When I was a kid I loved the "Naked Gun" movies. I remember one where nigger O.J. had such a big 'fro that he got stuck in a doorway

    Last edited by Midder Peenud Hayed; 08-10-2019 at 07:38 PM. Reason: Watching TV while posting is never a good idea...

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