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  1. #21
    Senior Trustee
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    Find out what time prayer is and about 10 minutes before spray the entire contents of one of these bottles into their locker.

    They will probably love it but anyone else near them will hate them for it.

  2. #22
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    I'd never heard of any, but isn't this modern world wonderful that there already are such things? Not exactly dollar store, but a few bucks for one, and carefully hiding it.

    Years ago when a friend and I suffered under a nigger supervisor (a true racist who hated all white people), we thought of picking the lock to the nigger's office, then hiding a fish under its desk. We were going to pull out a bottom drawer, then throw a fish into the gap between the drawer and the floor, and let it decay all weekend. That sowapotamus was beyond lazy even for a nigger, so it was gone by 2 every Friday.
    Great idea but it's been my late brother at the prison where he was a CO. He worked for a brief time in the Secured Hospital Wing where there was a long hallway with some offices for some of the supervisors. George worked up front in the "bubble" behind the glass where they would wheel in the ailing niggers and he would have to push the button for them to enter. At the end of the hall was an exit where the officers could go outside on breaks or for cigarettes. George was a chain smoker but in the frigid winters him and one of his coworkers would just stand by the door just inside and smoke. The hallway would fill with smoke but they worked the midnight shift so nobody was in the offices until just before they went home. One morning when he was smoking by the door a secretary arrived and began complaining about him and his smoke. She persisted day after day and finally told ("ratted him out") to the Lieutenant and poor George got called in the office and was reprimanded. Right after that he was at home when his wife screamed because one of the cats had caught a mouse and left the carcass on the floor of the kitchen. The light bulb went off and George put the dead mouse in a ziplock bag and put it in the freezer. He saved several more dead mice and started bringing them into work and depositing them as you had stated...behind one of the woman's desk drawers to rot and stink...which they did in a most horrible way. When the stink would eventually dissipate after a few days, and after a maintenance crew had unsuccessfully searched for the source of the pungent odor, he would drop a new dead mouse behind the drawers and it would start all over. After many weeks the woman put in for a transfer and left the facility...and the dead mouse stench ended. It was a brilliant idea and it worked. You should've done it. The satisfaction my brother got from driving that woman out was worth a freezer full of bagged dead mice.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    Find out what time prayer is and about 10 minutes before spray the entire contents of one of these bottles into their locker.

    They will probably love it but anyone else near them will hate them for it.

    I can imagine it now!

  4. #24
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    Hey Ted -- I've been a hit-and-miss poster here for a few months myself. The main reason for that is retarded... I was injured in a traffic accident 2 months ago and the orthopedic brace I was wearing (until yesterday) required me to type with my right hand. That proved too frustrating for words, but on top of that, I couldn't get comfortable in any position. This has been a nightmare...

    Anyway, I don't know if you're aware of my situation, but I'm taking a mid-career break of sorts after 14 years with the same company (I'm 45). Last week I took a series of meetings with a former vendor I worked with for years. I've always suspected they were owned by ass-lifters, but when I entered their executive suite a week ago Monday, all doubt was removed. The first thing I saw when I walked into the overly-ornate reception area was an ugly Moslem bitch in a hijab and a fat sheboon ooking into its headset.

    Some truly drool-worthy numbers were being floated, and even though I would rather not work for camel jockeys, hey -- I was willing to listen. They never struck me as hardcore Koran-thumpers. I had gone out several times over the years for drinks (even though I'm not much of a drinker) with their executive staff. I've been around the devout and these guys never stuck me as being in that crowd.

    So, I took the meeting.

    After seeing the fat sheboon, I was a little vexed, but flunkies are only flunkies, so I walked it off. But as I strolled past the offices, practically everyone I saw was a sand nigger. I also saw way too many niggers!

    My meeting was with their exec. EVP, COO, and lawyer. I had never met any of them.

    The EVP was an African nigger, and the other two were ass-lifters that looked like they stepped out of an al-Qeada recruiting poster. I'm not kidding you -- there were dozens of the floor of that office suite and I saw maybe 3 Humans.

    We had our little chat, talked terms, and they made me an offer. My jaw probably dropped, but I knew that I wouldn't last in that environment. It would also require me to move to the Bay Area which is why I chose the buyout from my last job (we're in the Pacific NW). We just moved into our new house in 2018.

    Like yours ("the Nigerian tree ape", LMMFLWAO!), my boss in that position would have been the African nigger EVP. I think he was Sudanese. I got the impression that he didn't like me very much, but I think his ass-lifter bosses saw shekels in having me around, so he was onboard.

    Honestly, if they would have been Whites, Asians, or anything other than goat-fuckers and niggers, I would have seriously considered taking the position.

    Your workplace sounds like a true nightmare, BTW...

  5. #25
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Hey Ted -- I've been a hit-and-miss poster here for a few months myself. The main reason for that is retarded... I was injured in a traffic accident 2 months ago and the orthopedic brace I was wearing (until yesterday) required me to type with my right hand. That proved too frustrating for words, but on top of that, I couldn't get comfortable in any position. This has been a nightmare...

    Anyway, I don't know if you're aware of my situation, but I'm taking a mid-career break of sorts after 14 years with the same company (I'm 45). Last week I took a series of meetings with a former vendor I worked with for years. I've always suspected they were owned by ass-lifters, but when I entered their executive suite a week ago Monday, all doubt was removed. The first thing I saw when I walked into the overly-ornate reception area was an ugly Moslem bitch in a hijab and a fat sheboon ooking into its headset.

    Some truly drool-worthy numbers were being floated, and even though I would rather not work for camel jockeys, hey -- I was willing to listen. They never struck me as hardcore Koran-thumpers. I had gone out several times over the years for drinks (even though I'm not much of a drinker) with their executive staff. I've been around the devout and these guys never stuck me as being in that crowd.

    So, I took the meeting.

    After seeing the fat sheboon, I was a little vexed, but flunkies are only flunkies, so I walked it off. But as I strolled past the offices, practically everyone I saw was a sand nigger. I also saw way too many niggers!

    My meeting was with their exec. EVP, COO, and lawyer. I had never met any of them.

    The EVP was an African nigger, and the other two were ass-lifters that looked like they stepped out of an al-Qeada recruiting poster. I'm not kidding you -- there were dozens of the floor of that office suite and I saw maybe 3 Humans.

    We had our little chat, talked terms, and they made me an offer. My jaw probably dropped, but I knew that I wouldn't last in that environment. It would also require me to move to the Bay Area which is why I chose the buyout from my last job (we're in the Pacific NW). We just moved into our new house in 2018.

    Like yours ("the Nigerian tree ape", LMMFLWAO!), my boss in that position would have been the African nigger EVP. I think he was Sudanese. I got the impression that he didn't like me very much, but I think his ass-lifter bosses saw shekels in having me around, so he was onboard.

    Honestly, if they would have been Whites, Asians, or anything other than goat-fuckers and niggers, I would have seriously considered taking the position.

    Your workplace sounds like a true nightmare, BTW...
    At least you got a good look at what you would be in for if you signed on to the job. I had well over 30 years of maybe a 2% nigger and 0% muslim workforce and then like a giant ball of shit exploded in mid air, we're crawling with these disgusting 3rd world creatures. I'm too invested to just walk off. I could retire but I want a couple more years...fucking niggers.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted View Post
    At least you got a good look at what you would be in for if you signed on to the job. I had well over 30 years of maybe a 2% nigger and 0% muslim workforce and then like a giant ball of shit exploded in mid air, we're crawling with these disgusting 3rd world creatures. I'm too invested to just walk off. I could retire but I want a couple more years...fucking niggers.
    There's absolutely nothing that can't be made worse by niggers!

    At least you only have to put up with it for a couple more years...

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    Holy shit!

    Somehow I'm having a hard time imagining you lasting 5 minutes in a workplace like this. (at least not without a breaking news story on CNN)
    I'm surprised that some silverback hasn't already tried to muh dik that goat fucker up the ass!

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