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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Somali Muzzie Nigger Cop

    I hope this nigger gets what it deserves.

    A human female from Australia in Minneapolis calls cops to report a suspected sexual assault taking place near her residence and inexplicably ends up dead at the paws of a muzzie somalian nigger cop. What, she was not wearing a hijab, so sharia law says she should be killed? Did the nigger think she was the sexual perpetrator? A blond human woman approaching the cruiser made him "fear for his life"? Maybe the nigger knew the sexual perpetrator as a fellow nigger friend and was trying to cover for it? I don't know. Who can know what goes through the mind of a nigger when even they don't know.

    More likely, it was the genetically stunted poor judgement and instinctual violence on the part of the nigger. Niggers should never be given weapons their culture didn't create. Guns are just too much for them to handle responsibly. Spears, rocks, bones and sticks are all they can handle, and they shouldn't even be allowed to have those. They do not have, and cannot be taught, human morality and sense of justice and, therefore, should never be police officers in our society. Niggers simply do not have the mental capacity to comprehend civilized human society.

  2. #2
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Mohammed needs to go to jail and have pork chops.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  3. #3
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Weird as it seems, this dumb nigger was probably fiddling with his pistol and fired it inadvertently. The result, no doubt, of affirmative action hiring by the police, and the inevitable ignoring or lowering of standards to get some niggers on their force, combined with the fact that, as I've mentioned before, niggers can't keep their hands still, they always have to be messing with something. In this case it was a pistol. I doubt that coon had the slightest notion of proper gun-handling. An innocent woman paid the price of Minnesota's libtardation.

  4. #4
    Corrections Officer
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    I still think its all about her coming outside in her pajamas. So muzziecoon was offended by the non goat fucker attire

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    God!.. I hate! Niggers!

  6. #6
    Chimpout Guest

    Just awful

    This just makes America look bad to the world. It even created a small international incident. Australians are upset and other countries are watching. Australians know what niggers are. They have their own population of the dumbest niggers on the planet.

    What is worse than a nigger? A nigger that comes from a culture that normalizes pedophilia, rape, violence and goat f@cking and makes it their religion.

    Civilized society needs to wake up. This fecal form of life should never have been granted police powers. I just have no words.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    I hate every single nigger ever shit like this is making me angry!

  8. #8
    Chimpout Guest

    Elite special nigger circumstances

    I'm glad this case isn't in Chimpcago where this nigger would get the special state AG Kim Foxx special treatment like that nigger jussie smollett. But somehow I won't be surprised if he gets off lightly.

  9. #9
    Chimpout Guest

    It is in denial

    This Somalicoon like most of the other Somalicoons is in denial about being a groid. The furthest that it will go to admit it is not human is to say that it is not white. It thinks it's all Arab (pure Semite), unlike like Emirates, Saudis, Yemenis, Egyptians, and a lot of North Africans who are clearly part groid and DNA tests are confirming them to be about 1/3 Sub-Saharan African. I come across postings by Somalicoons all the time denying that they are Negroes. A Somalicoon even called Christian Prince (the anti-Muslim, all Semite Christian Arab) and told him that Somalis were white.

  10. #10
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    That nigger got his badge and gun through Affirmative Action. He was rushed through all of the training that normal officers need to pass simply so the city could use him as a token of diversity, our first nigger muslim cop. And now a human is dead. If any Australians happen to read this, understand this is what happened. It was not your normal everyday American police officer. It was a case of government pandering to minorities and giving someone a badge who had minimal training.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

  11. #11
    Senior Trustee
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    This happened in shithag Muzza-coon's Ilhan Omar's district
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

  12. #12
    Super Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    This is the nigger who fired ACROSS his partner in the drivers seat, through the window, killing a beautiful human for no apparent reason whatsoever.

    Attachment 6594

    Jesus Christ this nigger needs to go,....

    Back to Somalia.....
    Geez..... Look at those retarded, mongoloid nigger eyes.... I'm surprised he isn't mouth breathing for the pic.

  13. #13
    Chimpout Guest

    Filthy beast convicted

    Looks like the filthy muzzie nigger is getting some punishment. It was convicted of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, but sadly, acquitted of the most serious count — second-degree murder. It faces up to 12 and a half years for third-degree murder and four years for second-degree manslaughter. The judge set a sentencing date of June 7. I doubt it will get the maximum, but we can always hope.

    The case was closely watched nationwide and in Justine Ruszczyk Damond’s native Australia. (and by me, because it really pisses me off)

    I'll be watching for it's sentencing and hoping for the maximum. The longer it is caged, the better and safer society will be.

  14. #14
    Chimpout Guest

    Nigger gets the maximum

    Whoo Hoo!!! The filthy nigger got the maximum state recommended sentence for it's senseless violence against a human.

    It wanted almost no sentence at all... just probation and a weird celebration for his victim's birth and death dates every year during the probation. Or a 1 year and 1 day prison sentence. What a joke!!! Stupid nigger!
    Mohamed Noor makes bizarre request ahead of his sentencing:

    Instead, he got the state recommended maximum of 12.5 years in prison. I only wish there was no possibility of parole... and that it was a life sentence. Or better yet, a death sentence. But, at least it is getting it's punishment:

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