AskMen Says Men Should Ditch Obsolete Skills… Like Hunting

AskMen, the self-professed “experts” in men’s lifestyle for almost 20 years, say men should give up obsolete skills in today’s modern world. And they place hunting as skill #1 men should ditch “to be the kind of man who’s tops in the near future.” Wait, it gets better.
Let’s face it, the left in America has declared open war on more than guns. They hate masculinity in general. terming it toxic.

From there, Stobber tells us “Hunting” ranks as the first and foremost skill “new men” should leave behind. Instead, men should learn how to cook a meal. “Take a cooking class,” he writes. “Or try a meal-kit delivery service”. Maybe even “hunting” for ingredients at a grocery store stands as a hill too high for Ian and his pals to conquer.
Obsolete skill #2? Fighting. Instead of learning how to fight to protect those you love, the AskMen scribe suggests learning to mediate. At first I read that as “meditate”. Not that it matters. Both would prove equally worthless if Ray-Ray and his pal Mongo decide they’d like to have some fun with your girlfriend, wife or teenage daughter.
Among the other obsolete skills this guy says new age men don’t need: auto repair (learn computer coding instead), fixing things at home (learn how to decorate), and being a leader (become a collaborator follower!).