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Feetsball nigger Marshawn Lynch tells Bill Maher that Trump be a 'muhfugga' who talks "sheeyit"
Bill Maher also accuses Marshawn of being a "bright guy." ROFLMAO
@ 3:10 mark is where Maher and Marshawn go to nigtardville together.
Maher might as well got on his knees and sucked that niggers dick.
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Senior Corrections Officer

Originally Posted by
Kraken Da Whip
Maher might as well got on his knees and sucked that niggers dick.
Who says he didn't?
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Maher is an unfunny hack. I never could stand that guy. I think it's mostly his smug attitude that just cries out for a bitch-slap.
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Johnny Carson must be rolling over in his grave.... This is what passes for entertainment? A polesmoker (is there really any doubt?) interviewing a halfwit nigger insulting the President of the United States.
Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.
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Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
Actually Maher's offers his huge nose and sniffs off these over paid negroes.