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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    New York Nigger Sean Price Flies Aussie school girl to US for coast to coast Muh Dik

    Sean Price, 39, allegedly groomed 16-year-old girl from Sydney on Snapchat
    He is accused of luring the teenager to New York via Los Angeles for sex
    He 'received nude photos from teen during a seven-month online relationship'
    She landed in Los Angeles before Price 'rented a car and drove her to New York'*
    Police found the teen in the basement of Price's mother's home last week

    Quite a sosphisticated operation for a nigger.
    All local media fail to disclose it was a nigger.

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  2. #2
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Simple Man View Post
    -I find this weird:

    -Why Canada? Sounds like to me she's an accomplice getting out of town....
    Yeah, if she had previously fled to Canada, how is it that she is conveniently available for comment?

    She must be involved somehow. I suspect the sleezy coon used his step daughters ID/passport (17 years old) to get the Aussie girl into the US. Maybe the wife tipped off the Law.

  3. #3
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Simple Man View Post
    -I think she was in just as deep as her buck.

    -When's the last time you ever read a story where a nigger commits a typical horrific crime and his sow drops anchor and flees to Canada with his niglet and another in tow? To Canada? Like it's normal?

    -I think she was just in deep as he was and this was her escape plan if things went south.

    Yeah, probably, dunno.

    Either way, we didn't need the filthy little nigger loving gutter slut back.

    She probably came back with a box full of nasties and impregnated with the North American nigger virus.

  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Simple Man View Post
    -It's not a North American nigger virus, it's an African virus that was allowed to spread out of control throughout the world riding on the lie of diversity and feeding off of national guilt.
    I realise that. I was just trying to distinguish between your vile African shit beasts and the vile African shit beasts we've already infected our country with.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    Update: This nigger just got awarded a 35 year scholarship at Nigger University for this.

    "A 40-year-old man from the US has been sentenced to 35 years in prison, after he groomed a 16-year-old girl from Sydney on social media to travel to New York for sex."

  6. #6
    Chimpout Guest
    A small step.....but a step in the right direction, the direction that every nigger animal in the country should be in a cage

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    Actually, I was quite surprised that the nigger received a 35 year scholarship. My first thought was that it seemed a long time for state such as New York, which I understand to be a total lefty liberal nigger loving state. I am not sure if the nigger was tried at the state or federal level though.

    So, this week a New York nigger is jailed for Muh-Dikking an underage Aussie mudshark. Now tonight, I read in the news that another New York nigger has had it's conviction for murder overturned (of course, it dindu nuffin) and has been released from a New York prison after 27 years. Furthermore, the nigger has spent the final half of that time married to a fat Aussie coalburning skank. The nigger actually met, married and was allowed to Muh-Dik the shark in the prison, all at the expense of the American tax payer. As soon as read the headline, I new it just had to be a nigger.

    The mudshark whore was actually booted out of the US and not allowed to return for overstaying her visa. The Muh-Dik was just too good!

    You can all bet that this c*** somehow imports this nigger beast down here!

    I have not researched the particulars of this nigger's case but I strongly suspect it to be somewhat similar to that of that magic boxing nigger some decades ago.

  8. #8
    Senior Trustee
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    A 16 year old girl saw a picture of that and hopped in bed anyway?
    Was her seeing-eye dog's seeing-eye cat blind?

  9. #9
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Nigger worship & the false portrayals of niggers as cool, BBD, exotic as in an oddity. I just can't understand why anyone won't be repulsed at the sight of any nigger.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  10. #10
    Chimpout Guest

    It must be Aussie Coal Burning Skank Week!

    I look at the news this afternoon and there's another Aussie mudshark and Yank boong story. This makes three for the past week. This time the filthy coal skank and her buck are facing the death penalty in Arizona for the abuse, neglect and murder of the buck's niglet.

    The article is worth a read!

    Let's hope Arizona's justice system is not as fucking hopeless as their federal senators!

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