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  1. #21
    Senior Corrections Officer
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    Called this one, like the rest of the Plantation, got screamed at online for rayciss. I'm going right back to those sites and rub the nigger lovers' noses in it.

  2. #22
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    Black privilege is getting to act like a fucking chimp in public and then having the balls to make everybody else apologize.

  3. #23
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by YTISFEDUP View Post
    Now this really chaps my ass.

    "$78,962 of $6,500 goal". Did Dead Nigger Storage just have a price increase? Greedy niggers.

  4. #24
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    Now this really chaps my ass.

    "$78,962 of $6,500 goal". Did Dead Nigger Storage just have a price increase? Greedy niggers.

    You dam well know the money will go to Hennessy, new weaves and claw paws and naturally some nigger bling, but not a penny towards their bills.

  5. #25
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    I'm glad Human websites like this exist, because the Truth needs to come out into the open. So this Sow and it's soon to be pregnant Sheboonniglet say the shooter was The White Guy fleeing the boon on boon violence was the perp. Just so they could defraud the public out of Guilt Gibs and start a riot! This is sick and demented. These fucking sub animals are demonic spawns who only exist to victimize each other and innocent Humans for the purposes of defrauding humans out of sympathy, and justifying their Hate Crimes Against White People! Who remembers the whole Ferguson chimp out?, It's so-called Parents paraded around in Tee-Shirts with his Dead Face on it collecting Millions of Gullible Guilt Gibs, The Dead Criminal Thug still has no Headstone on it's Grave, but its's Sheebooniqua Berfer has expensive Paw Nails, Plastic Hair Weaves and enough Malt Liquor to give Liver Cirrosis to every Nigger in America. Give your money instead to planned parenthood and request the money go to "helping" People of Color.

  6. #26
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Nappy Meal View Post
    Give your money instead to planned parenthood and request the money go to "helping" People of Color.
    I like the way you think.

    BTW, the pickup truck the "witnesses" described was just an innocent (white) passerby. I believe the sketch they came up with was too. Just hateful niggers looking to hit the dead niglet lottery.

  7. #27
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    Eric Nigger, a black, kills 7 year old

    Eric Nigger, yup, a black ape, kills 7 year old.

  8. #28
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    Reminds me of the Gateway Sniper thing. Remember that one? For weeks they were looking for a white cargo/work van. You know, the kind that plumbers, HVAC and construction people use. And of course people in those lines of work are white males. Thus you had all of these white vans being pulled over with white people driving them, being hassled, investigated and having the finger pointed at them. Turned out to be two niggers in some old hooptie nigger mobile sedan.
    I hate niglets because they always grow up to be full grown niggers.

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