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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
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    I finally got a sow in trouble for shoplifting!!!

    Was out and about, realized that I needed to grab a few things so I ran into a Walmart. Yes, I know, big mistake, but this is in an area where NAPA's rarely frequent. I grabbed what I needed and ran to a self check-out. As I was walking up, a old cotton top sow, pushing about 350 on the hoof, in a mobility cart, cut in front of me and said "SCUSE ME!" I just kind of stopped, shocked in all honesty. Usually, my nig-dar is pinging, but this monster came out of no where. I was going to say something, but instead I just waited to play my hand. As this woman was leaning forward to grab items off the cart on her scooter, I could plain as day, see her sitting on a bunch of clothes. At one point, she leaned over and a baby onesie fell to the ground. I kind of chuckled and said "Miss, you dropped this..." and handed it to her. Sadly, that wasn't the only time she dropped things she was stealing, in the end, she kept throwing things on top of the candy rack that had fallen out from under her ass. There were at least 4 items total. One of which she took off the rack, examined it, tossed it in her cart (at this point her cart was empty) and then proceeded to finish checking out. Never once, putting the one item on the belt, just leaving it in her cart. I sighed knowing that it was going to take her another 5 minutes to figure out how human technology worked, which it did. At one point, she was staring at the screen, it had a fucking picture of where the money slot was and she was trying to shove money into the picture of the slot on the screen. I finally said "'s under your arm, the money slot", which she figured out after a few more second of confusion. She then counted out the eight cents in pennies, dumped them into the change part and left.

    I checked out within 30 seconds, this sow was staring at her receipt with confusion in her eyes. I noticed at this point, there wasn't just the one item in her cart that she didn't pay for, but several. She started going one direction, I went towards another exit. Just as I was walking towards customer service, a worker was walking towards me. I quickly said "Listen, do you see that large black lady over there?" pointing in the moo-cow's direction, "She has a bunch of stuff in her cart that she didn't pay for, plus she is sitting on a bunch of merchandise." The employee just looked at me, looked at the sow, said some code over her walkie talkie and then started rushing to catch this thief.

    I hurried out the door where I parked and pulled around to where the sow would be exiting. Just as I pulled up, I saw the original employee and two other people (loss prevention people I think) talking to the sow, the one guy was asking her to stand up (from what he was gesturing) and she refused. The employee was going through her bag and looking at the receipt, clearly realizing that there were a few more items than paid for. I pulled into a handicap spot so I had a clear eye of the door, maybe 20 feet away (if that). Now, the one employee yanked the key out of the mobility cart, thus stranding the sow in a stationary area, blocking the exit door (heading outside, not inside door). The sow was getting worked up and had her phone in her hand, I couldn't hear who she was calling or what she was doing, I had my window down though. They kept asking her to get up and she kept saying she couldn't that she was handicapped and that she couldn't get out of the scooter. One of the loss prevention people grabbed her cane out of the basket and offered it to her, she finally realized she was beat and stood up. I could'nt tell how much merchandise this sow was sitting on, but judging by the looks on the employee's faces, it was quite a bit. Just as they were taking it all in, the sow attempted to make a dash for the door. Which, worked as well as can be expected when you weigh 350 pounds, are pushing 80 and also attempting to exert physical energy. She hit the ground like a ton of bricks. At this point, I had to leave and head home. I slowly drove over to where she was sprawled out, screaming that she needed an ambulance and that they pushed her to the ground. I will call the store tomorrow and tell them what happened, nevermind the fact that there were camera's everywhere.

    In all honesty, I was waiting for another silverback buck to come swooping up and try to collect her, but it never happened. Apparently, she was on a solo suicide mission. Either way, hopefully she gets in trouble.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    I live in a state that has less than 1/10 of 1% of negroes
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    These happy endings bring tears to my eyes!

  3. #3
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    Doing the Lord's work I see. And to think these spooks say most shoplifting is done by YT. Yeah, right.

  4. #4
    SC Anemia
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by White Orchid View Post
    Doing the Lord's work I see

    about 350 on the hoof

    Well done NTG, well done indeed. I kinda doubt NigMart really needed the stuff it was hiding under its gargantuan ass but I bet it went right back on the rack.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    350 pounds, she must have been sitting on half the store, if they have the guts to check I bet their is a 50" teebee jammed up her muh poosie.

  6. #6
    Senior Trustee
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    Strong work, Sir !!

    Just as they were taking it all in, the sow attempted to make a dash for the door. Which, worked as well as can be expected when you weigh 350 pounds, are pushing 80 and also attempting to exert physical energy. She hit the ground like a ton of bricks.

    I would have paid good money to see that...

  7. #7
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    All that's going to happen here is that the 3 Walmart workers are going to be fired for making an 80 year old nigger with a disability fall on the concrete. I'll bet a half hour of video was taken before that shit was cleared up. She'll sue Walmart and win. An actual ambulance showing up to collect it will just be extra cheese for the sow. It's a feel good story until the moment you realize what the litigation is going to cost. You have to understand, the niggers WANT you to catch them, so they can be detained/injured during interrogation/interdiction by company employees.

    In retail, if ANYTHING other than an actual cop touches a nigger, it's time to play nigger lotto. The losses never add up to the cost of litigation and/or settlement. And what judge is going to put an 80 year old nigger the size of a Ford Pinto into the clink? No one wins here.

    Sorry if it sounds like I'm pissing in soup here, but I worked for Circuit City back in the late 90's and early 2000's, I saw this shit in my stores a hundred times. Niggers would come in and grab shit and DARE you to do something about it. The moment you did, they nigger lotto'd, and you got promoted to a customer immediately, even with video showing the nigger stealing everything it touched. It was written company policy to not confront them. Call a cop and hope they arrived in time, that's the only choice the sales staff and management had.

    Like I said, please don't take it as admonishment, you're doing the right thing here. But the reality is, everyone BUT the nigger is going to likely suffer for it. Businesses will NOT back their employees when it comes to simple property crimes.

  8. #8
    Senior Trustee
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    Sometimes its hard to tell if a nigger is stealing or they are just too damn stupid.

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