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  1. #1
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    So sick of niggers making everything about THEM

    Not sure how many of you are aware there was a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue this morning. Of course, almost every fucking nigger on social media and other discussion sites are making it about themselves.

    "It wasn't called a hate crime when Dylan Roof was shooting people!"
    "The gunman was taking alive. OMG, white privilege!1111"
    "Innocent blacks are being shot and nobody cared!'
    "YTs are terrorists!"
    "Of course whites will say he didn’t get killed because he didn’t run away from the police, whereas a black men needs only to be black to be considered dangerous. "

    And my favorite:

    "White folks out here calling the cops on black folk for random foolishness (BULLSHIT), while their people going on killing rampages across the country."

    And on and on. I actually went off on a couple people earlier, "WHAT HAPPENED TODAY ISN'T ABOUT YOU! STOP PLAYING THE FUCKING RACE CARD! PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF YOUR SHIT!"

    Thanks for letting me rant. Can we petition Trump to round up these useless entitled pieces of shit and ship them all back to Africa instead of deporting Mexicans? At least the Mexicans make an attempt to work and don't play the victim card (least that I'm aware)
    Last edited by White Orchid; 10-27-2018 at 09:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    Funny how they forget to mention everything that Colin Flaherty mentions in his work. They say innocent blacks are being shot and nobody cared (no shit because why would anybody) but then they're attacking white people in mobs for the sole purpose of their entertainment. Good you went off on a few of them. Someone needs to tell them they're wrong.

  3. #3
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    Did they niggerwhine about the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't publicly comment when U.S. niggers (or really, any other niggers) get shot, the way he did today about the Pittsburgh shooting? It'll be coming, watch.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    Did they niggerwhine about the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't publicly comment when U.S. niggers (or really, any other niggers) get shot, the way he did today about the Pittsburgh shooting? It'll be coming, watch.
    Oh, it's only a matter of time.

    They're still bringing up Trayvon Nigtin, Eric I Can't Breathe, etc., things that happened AGES ago, not to mention bitching that the Kroger shooting only a few days ago didn't get enough news coverage. WHO CARES??? Shitskins need to get over themselves.

  5. #5
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    Thank goodness the creep repeatedly posted on social media about how he hates Trump. Wonder how the libs are going to process that.

  6. #6
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Niggers are selfish, ungrateful bastards. They hurt others because they have no decency nor compassion. I would not pay attention to their niggershines. Don't engage them, they're not worth our time.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  7. #7
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    There is a nigger rocket scientist (for real) that cooks barbecue. The fucker brings up slavery when he does a barbecue show.

  8. #8
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    Another shooting, this time in Thousand Oaks, CA. Of course niggers had to chime in. I scrolled past most of their yammering, but these three made my eyes roll to the back of my head:

    "Meanwhile, black guy gets pulled over for looking a little to pleased with life. Officers say he must have stole something.”

    "Oh here they go already with the "mental illness"/"PTSD" claim/excuse."

    "Funny how when it's a white shooter all of a sudden it's "PTSD!!!" But when it's a black/ethnic shooter, then it's: "He was just a very bad man..."
    Fucking niggers just need to STFU and go back to whatever jungle they came from.

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