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  1. #1
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    So tired of seeing these little half breed mutant niglets

    It seems everywhere I go that is all I see anymore. Some little mutant humanoid/nigger, generally they are stuck with a older couple. No doubt grandparents who's coalburner or oildriller created this monster and dumped it off for them to raise just like Obamas mother did with him. I spot one today, I see a woman in front of me in line at the pharmacy, probably late 50s early 60s. Standing with her is a small female child-around 8 years old. From all I could see from behind it all looked normal. Then the little shit beast turned around and revealed the ugly horrifying truth-it was a niglet. Techincally a half niglet, but still the one drop rule always applies and thus it was 100% nigger. It had enough white features to fool someone from far off but the reality is its just another worthless nigger shat out by some burner no doubt. Just a perfect waste of human DNA. A white woman might as well get pregnant and smoke crack for the next nine months as to allow some nigger to knock her up and give birth to some freak of nature. In the end it is the same result. A fucked up burden to society. Sorry about the rant, but one last question. If fucking niggers and shatting out niglets is such a great cultural thing then why do these coalburners dump their little pride and joy off with their grandparents and forget about it?

  2. #2
    Corrections Officer
    UpYoursNigger's Avatar
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    I hear ya. Been seeing way more of these mutants lately. Sickening

  3. #3
    justin igger
    Chimpout Guest
    They always have a future career in Every fucking TV commercial ever.

  4. #4
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    I'm seeing it more and more myself. It's a sign then I really need to GTFO of here.

  5. #5
    Senior Trustee
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    IseDaDiva's Avatar
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    The epidemic of political correctness and libtardism is going to exterminate the white race if it doesn't stop soon.

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