“If you have a bowel movement — flush the toilet for crying out load [sic]. These are staff and public restrooms — not your home, although one has to wonder,” she wrote in the memo last week titled, “Important message from Commissioner Corrado.”
Corrado also admonished her colleagues for their “general lack of consideration” when they use bathroom sinks at the department’s Lafayette Street building to rinse lunch containers or brush their hair and teeth.http://nypost.com/2017/05/13/flush-t...-commissioner/And she lectured her employees about failing to maintain their personal hygiene, reminding them to take “daily showers” and wear “clean and appropriate clothing” to work.
If she thinks the lack of flushing is bad, she should try a public library. I've once gone into a stall and had to hold the vomit in my mouth because a nigger vagrant (I didn't see but it could only be) had literally shit all over the seat.