This teenaper tonight was too busy with its Airpods and started to run the yield sign for its direction, starting to make a right turn in front of me. Luckily it stopped in time, actually letting me have my right of way. Then it started following me very closely. I could see it making monkeyshine movements, but I couldn't tell if it was shucking to nigger music or being impatient. I had an idea in case it was in a hurry. After the 20 mph business area, it's a two lane road, 30 mph, double line divider with some traffic coming the other way, and no traffic behind us. So I continued on a speedy 20 mph, conscious that the nigger could cause an accident, maybe ram us intentionally (one reason why when driving Mrs. S and I are always carrying, something we couldn't do in NY). Half a mile later, the nigger suddenly made a hard right onto a side road, still doing its dindu dancing.

This was the third time in two days a nigger almost hit us. Do we need to start mixing mayonnaise with car wax as nigger anti-magnetism?