On May 5, African-American real estate investor Michael Hayes was inspecting a house he's interested in buying in a Memphis neighborhood.

He was pulling a board off the boarded-up home's front down when a woman next door came outside. Hayes said he waved to her. The woman, who is white, asked him what he was doing. He pointed to the sign he had placed in the front yard.

"I told her that I had a contract and that I was an investor," Hayes, who wanted to get inside the house to take pictures, told CNN. "But she wasn't listening to that. She didn't want to hear it."
She said he had no right to be in her neighborhood and should leave, Hayes said. Then she called the police.
The officer, soon joined by a second officer, seems to be convinced that Hayes has done nothing wrong and tells him that if he has anymore problems with the woman to call him back over to the house "and she will go to jail today."

The officer then walks over to the woman's yard and talks to her, warning her to leave Hayes alone.

The nigger was full of lies, but two cops (bet you they're niggers) threaten to take her to jail, WHAT THE HELL?

Turns out she's a mudshark, but still, niggers have license to do whatever they want? So I'll just go around my neighborhood, put up a sign, maybe print up fake business cards, and break in. If cops come over, I'll accuse whoever they called them of being racist, then ask them to "stay 5 minutes" so I can pretend I'm just looking around.