We’ll never be told we can’t do something because of skin color. We’ll never be questioned for our success because we’re not the group society has tried to keep down for hundreds of years. We’ll never feel the wrath of racism because we’re not its target.

But, just because we’ll never know the true damage of racism doesn’t mean we can’t do everything in our power to make sure it doesn’t keep happening.
And, considering The Daily Collegian’s Board of Editors is made up of all-white members this semester, we’ve also faced some backlash.

When groups are called out for not being diverse, they tend to defend themselves. “We’re not racist because…” is the go-to response, followed by whatever evidence supports the claim that they’re inclusive. The Collegian has done this too.

And, it’s true. Most of these groups aren’t racist and are open to more diverse members joining. However, they fail to realize a lack of diversity in student organizations doesn’t always result from individual racism. More often than not, it’s a broader, cultural flaw that makes students of color not feel welcome.