A co-worker of mine, a older white guy lost his cell phone at work. I knew from the start when he told me this just forget it, too many damn niggers in this place. You will never get it back. But I helped him ask around and finally got the idea to call his number. He is a quiet, somewhat shy man. He calls it from my phone and sure enough someone answered. He tries to explain who he is and I take it they just hung up on him. He calls several times and they just keep hanging up. So I call it. As soon as it answers it was the voice of a female dindu. Yelled out real loud "Wut Chu WUNT". (what do you want in human language.) I told her she has this guys phone, and please bring it to the break area. She replies something like I aint giving shit back, its mine now. Keep in mind, this was at work and this had to be a co-worker that had the phone. No outside people can get inside the building. I call two to three more times and she just kept laughing, then cussing, then hanging up. Finally i call one more time and when she answered i screamed we want the damn phone back, bring it over to the break area now. Guess what? Later that day he found it in the break area smashed. Looked like someone took a hammer to it.
I really feel bad for this guy. He is virtually living paycheck to paycheck. Has had a string of bad luck over the past several years, losing his house and bankruptcy. Works every hour of overtime to get by. I have a couple older cell phones at home, I don't know if they will work with his provider but I am going to let him have them to see if he can use one.