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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    Nigger complains it can't afford school clothes

    So I'm at work today, and unfortunately I'm stuck with this dumbass nigger welder helper that don't know his head from his ass. On our break he starts talking to me about his kids, how expensive them schools be, and how he needs to make more money.
    Keep in mind I know the spook is making a good salary our helpers bring home at least 1,200 bucks a week out here. So I asked the dumb monkey how how in the fuck do school clothes cost you that much, and he goes on some rant about how "dem nikes be expensive" and that all his boys play basketball and wear Jordan shoes, they wear designer jeans, they wear bling bling, his girls get "dey hair done", his boys "get uh fresh fade every week",,,,etc so I tell the guy to just quit buying all that named brand garbage and take the little shits to wal mart and he says "oh nall dawg uh can't beez doin all dat sheeit my kids gotta be lookin fresh". The more I talk to him I find out his kids don't do chores, they're all failing in school, his oldest boy is constantly getting suspended for fights and has already got a record for marijuana possession, and they're loud, obnoxious spoiled brats. Then he said they have an xbox one, spend thousands of dollars a year on video games, and they're all crammed up in a tiny apartment in the projects. Goes out of town with his sheboon constantly to go see shitty ass crap concerts. He also drives a Mercedes Benz that had to cost him at least a years salary. Hasn't even invested any money in a good work truck but he owns a fucking sports car, and he wonders why he's never got money saved up. Then he had the nerve to ask me if I could send him some people to buy weed from his black ass during his off days. Needless to say I talked to the foreman about that comment and he's gonna be getting a random piss test very shortly although I don't really know if it smokes weed itself but knowing niggers he probably can't go a day without burning down on blunts and drinking sizzurp. Anyway...
    Why do they feel the need to blow thousands of dollars on overpriced clown outfits for their stinking bratty niglets?
    I make about twice his salary and my kids get their shit from wal mart, and the most expensive shit I'll buy is cowboy clothes for my oldest son and only like a couple of pants, button ups, one leather belt, one belt buckle, one hat, and one pair of boots and he has to work it off doing chores and if my son ever came home dressed up in anything resembling nigger clothes they'd end on the burn pile and he'd be grounded to his room for a long time
    All of that nigger shit is made in the same factories in China, all of it is junk, and yet they still waste 500 dollars on a pair of Jordan's, a white t shirt with a goofy logo on it for 20 bucks, atheltic jerseys that cost over 100 dollars. They make that junk in the same factories they make dollar store clothes. For such poor oppressed motherfuckers they sure spend a lot of cash on Chinese made trash shoes, and fancy cars.
    Sorry for this rant but I wanted to get it off my chest. Damn these niggers are stupid

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    Awesome rant! The looks-at-muh is a powerful drive for the negro species...

    You should sign up!
    I don't hate negroes, I just feel better when they aren't around.

  3. #3
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    Yep. Niggers to a t right there. No planning for the future ever. Can't think more than 30 seconds from the present. Piss all their money away for "looks at me" niggerwear.

  4. #4
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    It ain't just niggers. White nigger trailer trash that won't pay rent, but have plenty of money for cigarettes, satellite hookup for their 60" TV, and new cars are worse.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Guest
    @ Moolie Mook - I tried to sign up under my ole ladies email and I think I got turned down for whatever reason.
    I was gonna use the name " Lil Nigger" aa sort of a parody of all the crappers that call themselves "Lil". Probably thought I was some shithead troll at first. I'll reregister under a better screen name and see what happens

  6. #6
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    @ Moolie Mook - I tried to sign up under my ole ladies email and I think I got turned down for whatever reason.
    I was gonna use the name " Lil Nigger" aa sort of a parody of all the crappers that call themselves "Lil". Probably thought I was some shithead troll at first. I'll reregister under a better screen name and see what happens
    That's a good idea.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Member
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    Looks like I got in this time no problems.
    We popped a piss test on the nigger and turns out he had promethazine, codeine, and marijuana. I feel a whole lot better now that I'm not looking at that niggers monkey face everyday

  8. #8
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnny Rebel View Post
    Looks like I got in this time no problems.
    We popped a piss test on the nigger and turns out he had promethazine, codeine, and marijuana. I feel a whole lot better now that I'm not looking at that niggers monkey face everyday
    Don't forget to post an intro..

  9. #9
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    That nigger shouldn't worry. It will eventually get free clothing.

    islam (is-LAHM) n.
    1. The frothy mixture of semen and goat dung resulting from Muslim sex.

  10. #10
    Chimpout Member
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    I live in a state that has less than 1/10 of 1% of negroes
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    Simply put, they are Nigger Rich. Absolutely no idea of what is really important in life.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rape Ape View Post
    That nigger shouldn't worry. It will eventually get free clothing.

    I believe niggers are more comfortable in prison.
    They don't have to worry about bills, food, healthcare, or any other responsibility. They're provided a free pair of clown outfits, all the muh dik they could ask for. Probably a constant supply of race-traitor wiggers to molest, and they get to sit in their natural habit, a cage. What more could a nigger possibly "axe fo"? The only thing they can't get their paws on are fried chicken, watermelon, and bling bling. They really don't even need women since to a nigger a hole is a hole and they'll fuck a beehive if it comes down to it.

  12. #12
    Chimpout Member
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    TL;DR nigger is nigger and lives like a nigger and has nigger kids.

  13. #13
    Chimpout Guest
    I get a little overwhelmed by the perceived need to overemphasize the typical nature of the average nigger family in modern society. There always seems to be this exaggerated first hand experience sharing that takes away the real impact the average nigger has on our society and our human culture. When stories become contrived for effect, the true audacity of niggers is lost and ultimately discarded as myth or intolerance-driven racism and hatred. The thing I've always loved about these nigger-bashing forums is the way TRUTH paints an adequate picture of the problem we face as humans forced to live among wild animals with "equal rights". It's never necessary to embellish or magnify the truth. The point is solid with just the facts.

    A drug/urine test that identifies even the more obscure types of opioids seems a stretch. Usually a cocaine or marijuana presence is enough but to make up more just to add effect is more than unnecessary, it's irresponsible. One lie means it's all discredited and lets the nigger off the hook. Living in "the projects" usually requires a certain level of Social Services involvement which would likely make a $1,200 per week nigger ineligible for low-income housing or EBT aid. The assumption that all niggers live in "the projects" once again discredits the entire story. The Mercedes can be purchased used for unusually low cost as compared to buying new so the car is irrelevant to the story but again, the outrage is contrived. Sure niggers find cheap BMWs or Mercedes' but that's just what they do. Feigning anger over the costs kills the story. The outrage should be an unsaid disgust over the nigger's need for attention. As for shopping, let's not forget the connections niggers have to black market thievery and shoplifting. The perceptions this entire story gives is that of a total fabrication built around one filthy lazy stupid nigger coworker. If I were to sit and imagine the lives of all the niggers who creep around my workplace it might sound like this story. I assure everyone it's not this spot-on. I would ask anyone reading this OP story to take it as a creative fantasy rather than a fact-filled description of a real situation. Niggers don't need this much foundation to develop a story about them. The color of their skin, thickness of their lips, flatness of their noses, texture of their pelts, and density of their bones should be all that's necessary to recognize the threat and be disgusted. Don't assume we ALL need this detailed writing to know niggers are no fucking good. Reality speaks for itself.

  14. #14
    Chimpout Member
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    Sorry you feel that way I was just telling the story how I heard it, and the piss test is just what my bossman told me was in it. I call all nigger apartments in the ghetto project's, and the nigger worked with me about 12 hours a day so yeah he tried to talk to me a lot and usually I just let him. I never really got on his ass to the foreman until he started talking about dope at work. The city I work in is Southern and about 60% niggers, and they're pretty much all aspiring to be a walking crap video stereotype and they all live in constant debt just to pretend "they gots money an sheeit". As far as me talking to the spook goes I'm just a polite person, and while I don't go around starting conversation with any nigger I don't go around being rude to my co-workers as long as they aren't being aggressive or rude. He went on a rant about bills and clothes, I asked him why he couldn't afford a simple thing like clothes and he told me how much money he was blowing on useless trash.
    He's about the most responsible nigger in this city considering he actually attempts to take care of his shitlets.
    The nigger specifically mentioned shoping at the mall not a black market, and his car was brand new because I remember when he bought it. All I know is he's gone now
    I ain't trying to stir up trouble with a senior member but I don't like being called a liar either.
    The moral of my story was basically that even a high functioning nigger, that works 60 plus hours a week, and actually tries to provide for his shitlets is still just an irresponsible, flashy, dope dealing, nigger that can't even understand why it can never hold onto to a dollar.
    Last edited by Johnny Rebel; 02-24-2018 at 05:11 AM. Reason: Trying to explain my story while being respectful as possible to the senior member that questioned it.

  15. #15
    Chimpout Guest
    Everyone has some materialism in them; but niggers worship it, as a kid I would see niggers driving around in big fancy cars yet live in a rat infested shoebox. Niggers are vermin. They're a filthy species that do not belong in civilized societies. The nigger animal will never fit in, it belongs in the jungle...that is its natural habitat.

  16. #16
    Chimpout Guest
    Niggers live wit or "Stay" wiff deyz babymama's. Thats how dey live in da projects while earning decent wages. Most drug tests show pretty generic 6panel results, but depending on the trade or employer they can have quite detailed results.

  17. #17
    Chimpout Guest
    Its totally disgusting; all time,effort and gov't money thrown at niggers....a Total waste, the same as throwing money down a rat hole, niggers always have been a waste and always will be. I've said it a million times, niggers are an invasive species, niggers do NOT BELONG in western societies PERIOD!....the nigger animal does best and belongs in in its own native habitat; the jungles and Plaines of sub-sahara aperica...

    Niggers are dirty, stinking, violent animals..

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