So I'm at work today, and unfortunately I'm stuck with this dumbass nigger welder helper that don't know his head from his ass. On our break he starts talking to me about his kids, how expensive them schools be, and how he needs to make more money.
Keep in mind I know the spook is making a good salary our helpers bring home at least 1,200 bucks a week out here. So I asked the dumb monkey how how in the fuck do school clothes cost you that much, and he goes on some rant about how "dem nikes be expensive" and that all his boys play basketball and wear Jordan shoes, they wear designer jeans, they wear bling bling, his girls get "dey hair done", his boys "get uh fresh fade every week",,,,etc so I tell the guy to just quit buying all that named brand garbage and take the little shits to wal mart and he says "oh nall dawg uh can't beez doin all dat sheeit my kids gotta be lookin fresh". The more I talk to him I find out his kids don't do chores, they're all failing in school, his oldest boy is constantly getting suspended for fights and has already got a record for marijuana possession, and they're loud, obnoxious spoiled brats. Then he said they have an xbox one, spend thousands of dollars a year on video games, and they're all crammed up in a tiny apartment in the projects. Goes out of town with his sheboon constantly to go see shitty ass crap concerts. He also drives a Mercedes Benz that had to cost him at least a years salary. Hasn't even invested any money in a good work truck but he owns a fucking sports car, and he wonders why he's never got money saved up. Then he had the nerve to ask me if I could send him some people to buy weed from his black ass during his off days. Needless to say I talked to the foreman about that comment and he's gonna be getting a random piss test very shortly although I don't really know if it smokes weed itself but knowing niggers he probably can't go a day without burning down on blunts and drinking sizzurp. Anyway...
Why do they feel the need to blow thousands of dollars on overpriced clown outfits for their stinking bratty niglets?
I make about twice his salary and my kids get their shit from wal mart, and the most expensive shit I'll buy is cowboy clothes for my oldest son and only like a couple of pants, button ups, one leather belt, one belt buckle, one hat, and one pair of boots and he has to work it off doing chores and if my son ever came home dressed up in anything resembling nigger clothes they'd end on the burn pile and he'd be grounded to his room for a long time
All of that nigger shit is made in the same factories in China, all of it is junk, and yet they still waste 500 dollars on a pair of Jordan's, a white t shirt with a goofy logo on it for 20 bucks, atheltic jerseys that cost over 100 dollars. They make that junk in the same factories they make dollar store clothes. For such poor oppressed motherfuckers they sure spend a lot of cash on Chinese made trash shoes, and fancy cars.
Sorry for this rant but I wanted to get it off my chest. Damn these niggers are stupid