I haven't watched this show in years; today I turned it on out of curiosity to see a really attractive figure skater named Wagner, know nothing about her or her story but really nice to look at....of course the two left-wing hags peppered her with suggestive and leading questions but that's anticipated....so toward the end you see in the background coming on set is that POS floppy-earred nigger monkey al "the coon" roker and it detracks totally from Ms. Wagner.

Then that filthy stinking nigger animal starts babooning about the weather...of course that's when the remote is hit...but there again...you have a dirty nigger on tv ONLY because it's a nigger and that nigger along with that other nigger, steve "bootlip" harvey...are two of many niggers I can't stand to look at..go ahead throw that nigger bitch okra winery in there too...