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  1. #1
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    Does nigger hating effect your daily life ?

    It does mine , I see the the nigger problem in many ways . I see it has an effect in everyday life . I see it as a threat to my kids and grandkids lives . I do my best to educate them without going overboard . They are Christians and they are led to believe niggers are humans , so I have to do my best to make them understand the church may have many good points but they may have flaws . It is a tight rope to walk . My son understands but my daughter is a challenge . We here have a true understanding of the plague facing us . Letting others know is difficult , they think we are too radical and crazy in our thoughts . I know in my heart , and I am a Christian I am so right. I have let the pastor of our church know my thoughts . As a pastor it is a problem for him but in a deep conversation I think he understands. I feel I will fight this battle to my dying days
    Last edited by justin igger; 12-27-2017 at 10:17 PM. Reason: fixed typo

  2. #2
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    It's not the hating of niggers for me. It's the loving of niggers that gets me angry and cynical. So much of my country's greatness has been squandered pandering to and mollycoddling these worthless beasts. It's a crying tragedy. My hatred of niggers and niggerlovers is only the natural result.
    islam (is-LAHM) n.
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  3. #3
    justin igger
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    Yes it affects my everyday life. I won't allow my children to attend parties where there are niggers. I won't go to nigger movies. (this my wife thinks is ridiculous) she doesn't like them either but to her entertainment is completely me it isn't. I avoid places where niggers congregate, I will not use a nigger cashier. I will not tolerate a nigger waitress or waiter...and if one is forced on me we walk out. There are many more examples..too many to mention.

  4. #4
    Cracka Jack's Avatar
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    Does nigger hating effect your daily life ?
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  5. #5
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    I would say that niggers affect my daily life and I hate them for it, along with the TNB that is the reason my daily life is affected. I do not watch much TV and I try to stay out of fuxated places but it is almost impossible to avoid them. Avoiding the plague doesn't change the fact it is still spreading. Eventually it is going make its way to you unless something is done to cull it. Sometimes I try to convince those I think can see the light. The ones that say "there is a difference between black and nigger". It is most often futile though. Once in a while I will meet someone and after hearing them talk you can tell it isn't just a one time thing that they are venting about niggers and you have a new friend.

    There was a time when I thought I could just stop with the hate and try to just avoid it all. I had to in my mind because I believed it was affecting my health as well. I tried to just put it out of my head and stay clear of niggers but like I was saying, you can not avoid it. It was worse to just avoid them because I would get angry a lot quicker when a sudden burst of TNB hit me when I had not seen or been affected by it in a while. So I continue to read stories and participate in places like this one to remind me of that fact. The plague can not be cured and you need to be vaccinated in a manner of speaking.

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    I learned to hate them when I was forced to go to school with them. I think about how much money would not have been stolen from my paycheck to support these worthless vermin.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimpwhipper View Post
    I learned to hate them when I was forced to go to school with them. I think about how much money would not have been stolen from my paycheck to support these worthless vermin.
    Similar here. Due to deed restrictions, no niggers where I grew up and my 1966 graduating class of about 700 had no niggers:

    But as soon as I got to Junior college working full time and doing a full time student load of classes, I began hating them as I was exposed to their stupidity, violence, cheating, laziness, dope smoking, and parasitic behavior. My wife thought my "racism" was over the top. Then she got a job in the medical profession in "nigger-town" and once exposed to them, she became more of a nigger hater than I was.

    Though divorced now, we still share two things in common:

    1) We love our grandchildren.
    2) We hate niggers.

    When I retired, I moved to an area with no public transportation and no Section 8 housing ... thus little to no direct contact with niggers.
    Last edited by Dontavius Farooq; 12-28-2017 at 02:01 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimpwhipper View Post
    I learned to hate them when I was forced to go to school with them. I think about how much money would not have been stolen from my paycheck to support these worthless vermin.
    When growing up I went to a mostly white school. A nigger here, a nigger there. One with nappy dreadlocks that many unsuspecting white kids thought was cool. Nothing much of note. Then I had to move to a "darker" part of the state. My neighborhood was still mostly white but the niggers from a few street over would always roam around looking on porches and in back yards for stuff to steal. Once my nephew left his power wheels there and we caught a grown buck nigger riding it down the street. Then there was school. I was in 8th grade at the time. Classrooms where I came from went from maybe seeing 1 nigger all day to 15-20 out of 25 in a class per period. I went from being an average A-B student to Mensa by comparison. They were teaching shit that you learn in the 5th and 6th grade. Teachers loved me because I was practically the only one in their class who could hand in an assignment not written in bix nood. The internet was still fairly limited and most niggers were completely unfamiliar with it so plagiarism wasn't big. It was impossible to really learn anything as most of the time the teacher would walk in 10 or so minutes late and take another 5 to get control of the class.

    9th grade I went to a different school in the district that was still mostly niggers but around 60% instead of 90%+. It was better and found myself in classes with mostly white kids but there was always a few disruptive niggers. At least once a week was "movie" day in one or more classes. For the last half of my junior and my senior year I moved back to my hometown and I was so far behind the curve. I had to take extra classes where it would normally be a study hall period. I had to go to summer school to make up the missing credits that are not required in the nigger schools. I was literally years behind the curve in math and had to really study to catch up.

    They also started to bus niggers in from the city because... Well we all know. City be raysis and its not fair cuz YT has da advantage an sheit. Yet not one of the niggers bussed in learned any more than it would have in the city. It would always ask stupid what if questions or "How do I do this on the calculator". "See that + symbol? hit the 2 button, then +, then 2, then =. "But I know this thing is wrong. 2 + 2 clearly = KFC!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by intolerant View Post
    it's more the awareness than the "hatred" that affects me. I can't say i hate them, i just want nothing to do with them. I don't want them in my life but realize they are here to stay and i must cope. If i actually considered them "people" i would definitely hate them but as i view them as subhuman feral beasts i can only express intolerance and avoidance. I don't seek out rabid skunks or raccoons. I don't want lions living next door to me. I don't want squirrels in my attic chewing on my shit and pissing and defecating on everything. I can't hate them for their basic level instinctive behavior. I just want them gone. I am hopeful that trump's interests in going back to the moon and establishing colonies on mars means he is pondering the possibility of sending niggers and undesirables. Just like that line in "blazing saddles"...."send a couple of niggers, we can't spare a horse..."

    ^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^

  10. #10
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    At first I wasn’t going to post anything, but I came back and I want to say how I feel.

    I choose to live in Lilly white states. Our nigger population is down around the 1% range. Still too many niggers, in my opinion. But for the most part, I don’t have to deal with niggers on a daily basis. But what bothers me, what REALLY bothers me is what niggers do and get away with, and I’m speaking of the violence against white people. The “knockout game” is only but one example. There are minimart robberies where niggers didn’t have to shoot anyone, but they did anyway. There is gang mentality whenever 2 or more niggers get together around a white person. The more niggers there are, the more ruthless the violation, including beating them badly and rape in many cases. I know there is nothing I can ever do about it, but I hate that society is always an accepted victim of the nigger beast. So, what do I wish for?

    If I got my wish, there would be a huge number of whites that banded together like a mobile vigilante mob, hopefully numbering in the hundreds. Whenever some shitbeasts did their monkeyshines, the mob would extract retribution 10 times over. When the niggers riot, the justice league puts them in their place (coffins). When they attack whites, the vigilante’s seek out the apes and beat them beyond recognition, leaving only a crippled mass behind.

    All my life I have hated bullys. Niggers are the lowest form of life on this planet, and most of them are bullys. I wish I had it in my power to protect the innocent from them.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimpwhipper View Post
    I learned to hate them when I was forced to go to school with them. I think about how much money would not have been stolen from my paycheck to support these worthless vermin.
    Exactly this. I went from a 99 percent non-nigger school to one that was 50-50 and my attitude instantly changed.

    If we implemented an exchange program that forced humans in mostly-human areas to go to fuxxated schools for two weeks our membership would increase by 10,000 percent.

  12. #12
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    As many others have also been, I too was a victim of almost instantaneous and unapologetic de-segregation of our school system. Due to my parents divorce, I was yanked out of a comfortable school in 6th grade (one that was LITERALLY 2 blocks up the street from my home) and bussed 5-6 miles away to a school packed to the fucking rafters with howler monkeys. In MY school, I was an A-B student, the kids around me were known and familiar elements, often the kids of my neighbors. In the ZOO, I couldn't do anything right, I couldn't excel. I was the sole white kid on the basketball team. I had threats of violence openly voiced against me for doing things like competing and WINNING the spelling bee. (and I have the trophies from 3 straight years of competition in the Bee to prove it.)

    I had a black math teacher named Mr. Rhea. One time in the hallway, I laid waste to the left eye of some other white kid, for an offense long forgotten to me. From that point on, all I'd hear from Mr. Rhea say, whenever one of the niggers fucked up, was that 'If you don't act right, I'm gonna have <me> bust your eye.' Of course, this is not taken as threat of punishment by the niggers, but rather, as a challenge that HAD to be answered. Grades suffered. Fights (lots of them) ensued. Whenever a girl was being harrassed, I was looked to, to do something about it. Sometimes I won. Sometimes I didn't. What I can tell you is that by grade 8, I had a graduate level education in nigger violence. This was 1976, '77, '78...the original Star Wars was still in the theatres. This school was right next door to a place called Parkside Homes, which at the time, was the premier nigger FEMA camp in our town. This was a time when the drugs, gun violence, and inter-species breeding problems were more outliers, than the national emergencies they are today.

    So, with all this being said, how to answer the OP's question? Where does one begin? For me, every downturn in my life after my parents divorced can be almost directly linked to my *government* throwing me into a literal jungle of howling, violent, thieving, sickly, poor, ignorant nigger children, with no hope of escape anytime in the near future. Learning? Only if I bothered with it on the weekends. Old friends? In another school, never saw them anymore. You start talking black, because no one is paying attention enough to see the behavior emerging, and to smack you upside your fucking head. You feel guilty, because although you're not well off, you can still usually pay for your own lunch tickets, while the poor little ghetto rat next to you tries to steal your applesauce. The EDUCATORS? Pffft....those fucks checked out before I even showed up. The unions spent all their time jockeying for positions for the favored teachers at the 'good' schools, while everyone else that didn't make the cut were exiled to the jungles. I spent half the 7th grade watching movies on a classroom projector, (due to a teacher's strike, gee, I wonder what brought that on), brought in to babysit the monkeys, while the white art teacher was banging the nigger science teacher in the teacher's lounge. (true story) Leaving 6th grade, having summer vacation, and going back to the ZOO for 7th grade was like getting a second round of electro-shock therapy, after the quack already told you that you were cured. Don't even think about taking in shit like birthday presents and xmas presents for fucking show-and-tell, you might get seriously injured. I saw broken bones, lacerations, one kid even had an eye put out, because some libtard thought putting a pencil in the hands of an angry baby simian was a fine idea.

    The sick part? At that age, you think it's your fault. You think you're being punished by your parents for some unknown sin, that you must not love them enough or be grateful enough to have them. You're not yet aware enough to understand what a liberal is, or how their misguided, brain-dead ideas can so adversely impact your life and your future, nor realize that you yourself will never get any apology or recompense for it.

    Meanwhile, this same system is desperately trying to convince you that the niglets who attack you without provocation, who steal your food and your property, who threaten violence anytime you try to shine either academically or athletically, really are just like YOU, if you would only love and embrace them as a brother.

    If I knew then what I know now, I'd have spent my allowance on gasoline and burnt that fucking place down to the foundations, just to force them to send me somewhere else. My childhood, and that of tens of thousands of other innocent kids, was taken <stolen> from me by brain dead do-gooders who only cared about their goddamn virtue-signalling. The only good part of it was that I got a very early, and very useful, education about the nigger, which allowed me to decide decades ago to not be their next victim. Also allowed me to ensure that my kids got better.

    I blame the nigger for many things in life. But I blame the fucking libtard FAR more, because unlike the ignorant porch monkey, liberals are conscious, intelligent, informed actors in this tragedy, and force the rest of us, by way of their agendas, to become beggars to our own fucking demise.

    Hate? I'm with Intol on that one. I'm focused, but I truly don't see myself as hateful. Niggers and liberals are just a disease, and like any other disease, a cure needs to found, before the host is left a rotting corpse. My wife sometimes reminds me to not let it fully consume me, lest I go down the path of the Dark Side of the Force. But, old habits die hard, and she's always been far more charitable than I. In the years since then, I've witnessed the steady, slow decline of our country, leading to our literal brink of destruction, and we still haven't faced the truth. I am confident, self-aware, and able to DESTROY liberal arguments at almost every turn. And a big part of the world HATES ME for it. Let them be the ones who hate. I'd rather lick their fucking tears.
    Last edited by MineEvolved; 01-01-2018 at 09:35 PM.

  13. #13
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    My disgust and contempt (call it hate if you'd like) for the nigger doesn't ruin my day. Having to deal with niggers ruins my day.

  14. #14
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    This school was right next door to a place called Parkside Homes, which at the time, was the premier nigger FEMA camp in our town.
    If that is the same Parkside Homes I am thinking of you nailed it. It was a true FEMA camp for niggers. There was a police station right across from it and from what I remember even the cops wouldn't go back in there alone. It is now just a huge empty field, they tore it all down yet the niggers still linger around in it just for old times sake I guess.

    Myself, I try not to hate them. I just look at them as comedy relief. But at times the hate burns through. How am I not suppose to hate them when I read of some of the horrendous crimes they have done to unsuspecting white people?

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